Bruddah IZ
Then came the Rise of Kanye.Just out of curiosity....
How do you know he had sex with Stephanie Clifford ?
There's a very good possibility the whole thing was just made up around a picture......
Micheal Avenatti's " CD in a Locker " got thrown out a few weeks ago....
So where is the definitive proof that supports all these claims by Stephanie's
( New ) Lover/Lawyer......
I think Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod are behind the shit throwing
and sent their little " Stern " jawed Ambulance chaser out to do their
dirty work like they did in Chicago with Jerri Ryan's Husband and
Herman Cain who would have been an EXCELLENT President !!!!
They knew that about Herman Cain and destroyed him before he
became viable, he would have been the African American Donald Trump !
But neither the Rhino's or Democrats would have it, because he
would have completely destroyed the " Enslavement " narrative used
by Rhino's and Democrats to keep that group of humans in " Their "