The Brag Thread

Coolest thing. My keeper got to practice with 01 and 02 premier teams tonight. Small chance but she might get to play with the 02 team Sunday. :)
Big difference in subject matter of girl talk between an 05 and an 01.
My kid played up 2 age groups for a U17 team when she was technically U15, and it did absolute wonders for her in terms of preparing her for HS ball and elite level players on the size and speed scale. Highly, highly recommend it. Good luck to her!

My kid is currently playing up 2 years (u16 --> U18). He got to guest and play down a year (U17) over the summer. On the boys side, the jump from U13/14 to U16 is huge because puberty and skills are improving. The U18's and U19's are now blasting the ball. Its fun to watch. If the kid has the size and skills, I recommend playing up. The only down side is the social aspect. The kid needs to be able to hang with the olders.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) my 15 year old is a foul month little b@$!@rd that teaches sailors the finer points of cursing in an online extension course, so he keeps up pretty well. The boys on the team have accepted him, probably due to the fact he even has an imaginary girlfriend that is 8 weeks pregnant.
Mine didn't have anything to do in the first half of a game today so they put him on the field at striker with a you must connect 5 passes before you score rule and all our defenders on offense. He had an "even the keeper" scored moment with additional SOG and 2 assists. Afterwards he went up to the opposite keeper and told him "it wasn't your fault did great out there but there were too many SOGs".
With about 3 minutes remaining... PK save to keep it 3-2.
The game that turned my son into a goalkeeper!

Here is a YouTube clip of my son in a preseason U12 tournament. He always had a propensity for playing in goal, but after the penalty kick shoot out, it solidified his decision.
