That crazy soccer mom

If it's a very competitive team, there are plenty of paying customers waiting in the wings for anyone to drop. There's huge disincentive to express any of these, or any other, concerns unless you are willing to walk and/or the club/team doesn't want your kid to walk.
Fair enough; if you feel that it's in your kid's best interests to stay silent overall, then I could see that. As noted elsewhere, my kid isn't at that level of skill and/or competition, so I prioritize a good environment for him, but ymmv.

Related: It still kinda boggles my mind how competitive parents are for such young kids... at 8, my son was still playing AYSO. So different world from my experiences, for sure.
In moments like this a strong team manager can help manage a parent like this. A manager can bring this matter to the coach and work with the coach to help find a solution in a diplomatic manner. For example sending out an email regarding parent behavior to the whole team as a first attempt. However, a coach should always have this conversation regarding parent behavior at the beginning of the year, especially at the younger age levels. And, there is no way the coach doesn’t know this particular parent is an issue. They may need pushing to confront the issue head on.
My questions to you all: is this normal? Is there a parent like this on every team? Am I crazy to think we can escape and get on a team not like this? Can I do anything? The other parents won’t say anything. Should I tell the coach? Won’t he think I’m crazy for complaining?

I can only speak for myself as a Coach, but I would definitely want someone to call this to my attention, assuming I have not been aware of it already. A vital element to any team is the Culture.

I have a strict rule on my team that there is no coaching from the sidelines, and the parents are not allowed on the pitch during trainings - they are allowed to watch from reasonable distance - and are not allowed to communicate with any player during games or training sessions. If any parent is coaching during the game, I simply remove their child and send her to the bench until the parent gets the picture.

As far as toxic parents, I absolutely don't want any toxicity on my team.

I would first recommend a private one-way conversation between you and the Toxic Mom, and kindly point out the issues. If that doesn't work, then you should come to the Coach privately and possibly with another parent or two. Once informed, I would meet with the Toxic Mom and see if we can come to an understanding.

To answer your question ("Is there a parent like this on every team?"), I would answer emphatically, No.

Save your team Culture. Be proactive but polite and respectful.