T 2.0

Breaking News: Soros and USAID Have Been a Match Made in Hell

Tickets are going fast to join those who cheat, hate, kill, lie, Pedo, steal, witch and warlocks.
I still remember my pal's dd not kneeling for one race and how she got kicked off the team, shamed and called white privilege. I'm still shaking my head tripping out on the last 8 years of my life on planet lie. I told you all that pay for play was everywhere on earth and now we are being shown because God wants everything that was once hidden to be seen. Dark to light is just about showing us the true darkness of men's souls and choosing the light. Men are afraid of the light for fear that their dark deeds will be exposed. Good luck everyone.

All Lives Matter: https://1a-1791.com/video/fwe2/7f/s8/2/q/D/r/r/qDrry.caa.mp4?b=1&u=ummtf
The whole earth financial system was built on the backs of slaves from human trafficking, that involves sex trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) against the children of the earth. We need a big reset or restart or a big do over because of how evil this group truly is. Buckle up folks, it's about to get very gnarly. Good luck everyone, I'm praying for all of you, including espola. I forgive you old man. God loves you all!!!

"I am 1000% behind this FBI." He's cleaning house and will restore a new FBI for the New Earth. Thanks Kash for putting your life on line of duty. I know evil hates you. God bless Kash!!!
