T 2.0

The nightmare is finally over. espola voted for this. This guy also pushed the jabs and supported the top military fighters fired fir saying no to the jabs. Total losers.

Interestingly MBS committed to $450B investments in 2017. Saudi was the first foreign visit by Trump. That's awesome, but unfortunately, it's rather difficult to determine if the Saudis actually invested $450B during that term. I couldn't find anything close to that, i.e. < $50B. Maybe they did, and maybe they will this time, but there are no details as to what the $600B investment will be in or when, so given the previous record, color me skeptical.

I certainly do know that it won't correlate to a $1700 benefit (in kind or whatever) for every single American, that's just funny shit right there.
I was at an Elite party during Covid (mask party basically) and shared with a few people what's going on with the children and I was asked to STFU or leave. Then I was called names like, "crazy" because I said we have child hunters who prey on children and many of these monsters are fucking vampires. Soon we will all be shown what these freaks have done to the kids. Dumb Husker Du told us the 800,000+ kids that go missing every year are just runaways and MAGA is a sect. Yes, we are a sect of people who will not tolerate kids being hunted down and preyed upon like happy meals. The same asshole said his local news source in Altadena said that local teens were playing with fireworks in 80 MPH Hurricane winds.

Roseanne Barr tells Tucker Carlson Satanic Elites are vampires that eat bab1es and drink human bl0od.
“You know they eat babies. That is not bullshit — it’s true. So, it's not just the dogs and the cats, not just the pets. They're full-on vampires, and everybody still thinks I'm crazy but I'm not crazy. They're full-on vampires. They love the taste of human flesh, and they drink human blood. So many kids that I was in mental institutions with over the years, they are all from those cults. And they've covered it all up.”
Interestingly MBS committed to $450B investments in 2017. Saudi was the first foreign visit by Trump. That's awesome, but unfortunately, it's rather difficult to determine if the Saudis actually invested $450B during that term. I couldn't find anything close to that, i.e. < $50B. Maybe they did, and maybe they will this time, but there are no details as to what the $600B investment will be in or when, so given the previous record, color me skeptical.

I certainly do know that it won't correlate to a $1700 benefit (in kind or whatever) for every single American, that's just funny shit right there.
Watch dumb dumb and wake the fuck up. Trump's first trip to all these countries (Saudi was first of the large Pedo groups to repent) was all about submitting to Trump and destroying the old evil guard of Pedos. Trump handed the Government to the military in April 2020. They put up Space Force Plane in May of 2020 to catch all the cheaters on 11.3. It came back with all the evidence after the midterms in 2022. These people are fucking stupid. It is the biggest sting operation a military has ever done. Were all being watched and everything one thinks and says is recorded. If you think about hunting children, then you're probably hunting children. That human will be eradicated from earth. Those the hunters paid to hunt for their prey, they too will be asked to leave the New Earth and the Golden Age. We're sitting on liquid gold whatithink. You can't have peace and Golden Age on a New Earth if you're all about supporting the killing of kids before their born or hunting them down if they make it out of mums womb. In some of military tribunals, some will be spared life and will live out the rest of their life on earth down at the Y at GITMO. Oceanview villas for those who played the game the right way the last 7 years. Trump has everyone by the balls. How? He's always a few moves ahead of these weirdos and is always right, about everything. He caught them all red handed and they have the blood of children on their hands. Guity and will be served justice. No one can escape earth or judgement. You, me and espola will all give an answer to our actions on earth. Good luck to you.

Watch: https://rumble.com/v1tyr4k-the-destruction-of-the-old-world-where-we-go-one-we-go-all.html
Mama's home: Bevelyn Williams is home. Biden (EOTL, espola and Husker Du) jailed her for praying outside of an abortion clinic. Donald Trump pardoned her. Crooked Joe pardons Pedos and killers. Wow, that's just in the open for all to read and see.

Assholes like espola and Husker Du locked her up to shut her up. They & Them want kids killed. It's how they sacrifice all the kids to their leader, Satan. Satan is not my leader. He went against God and was kicked out of paradise because of pride. Buh bye Satan. Wow to the earth though. IT and a third of the Angels came to earth to reck havoc on us and Gods most precious creation, the kids. I was asked to come to this pay for play land where child hunters rule the earth to help take, They & Them out. This was no small task and comes with great loneliness and pain. I am a very unique male human. I am Mr. Empath. espola, Husker Du and Satan don't feel. They can't feel anything. Their just blood suckers.

This brought tears to my eyes: https://1a-1791.com/video/fwe2/2d/s8/2/m/-/m/6/m-m6w.caa.mp4?b=1&u=ummtf
Breaking News: Russian President Putin says if the 2020 US presidency wasn't "stolen" from Donald Trump, the Ukrainian crisis would have never appeared. The whole world knows, its time, FIX 2020. The losers on the left are in a hot mess. I also hear that Putin wants Dr. Fraud as a chip to end the war. I say give Russia Dr. F and the war ends. In fact, he can also have Hunter, James and Joe. Buh bye losers!!!

Interestingly MBS committed to $450B investments in 2017. Saudi was the first foreign visit by Trump. That's awesome, but unfortunately, it's rather difficult to determine if the Saudis actually invested $450B during that term. I couldn't find anything close to that, i.e. < $50B. Maybe they did, and maybe they will this time, but there are no details as to what the $600B investment will be in or when, so given the previous record, color me skeptical.

I certainly do know that it won't correlate to a $1700 benefit (in kind or whatever) for every single American, that's just funny shit right there.
What did the big guy get?