Radio espola and his side kick Husker Du has gone silent. How long can one soul support cheating, lying, allowing a beta man that consider themselves a girl can take showers in the girl's locker room anytime they & them want to is insane and I'm tripping out that I have to write about this every day. espola supports MAPs, Pedos, stealing elections, more lying and won't even eat crow. He voted for crooked Joe and was proud of it. I'm also waiting for our forum fence sitter to eat crow as well. I swear you guys, the sooner you eat crow and humble pie, the sooner the Golden Age will come for you. Gold has come my way and at my age, I'm stoked

The timing of success is amazing. I love to win and boy did I. I dodged the jabs just like Neo dodged bullets in the Matrix. I was smarter than I guy or gurl with a Ph.d. I win baby and now a new game is being played. What game? You first must take the red truth pill.
FAQ's to crush
Q. What is eating crow
A. Taking the Red Pill
Q. What is the Red Pill
A. The 'red pill" represents the choice to see the harsh reality (kids are missing and some kids have evil done to them 24/7) and TRUTH about all the Jabs and shots and the world's endless wars that have killed millions, while a very few at the top make billions and trillions watching from above with no dog in the fight except their greed and sick fantasy fetishes and way worse. I keep the worse from you guys because it's some of the most vile acts ever recorded and lots of the evil are on Hunters Laptop from Hell and Weiners Insurance Policy Laptop from the Devil...... Oh wait, there's more. Epstein Tapes with those on The List. Then we got the Diddy Freak Off Tapes with minors. It's bad you guys. Maybe Kash will release the 911 files to piss us all off. You got a start some where. Then go to the JFK files and really piss us all off. Then we will go down the dark rabbit holes of all the list and laptops from Satan and his sons.
Q. What if I don't want to eat crow with a slice of crush's homemade humble pie
A. Then you're eating the Blue Pill
*Only two choices for the low IQ retards among us.
Q. What is the Blue Pill
A. The "blue pill" represents a beta male that wants to stay in blissfull ignorance and returning to a woke comfortable illusion; essentially a brown noser and ass kisser with no backbone and allows men to be girls and allows the girls to wear the pants. Weak and woke. Taking the red pill is what a real man does and means the man is waking up to the truth, while taking the woke blue pill means remaining unaware and just being very stupid.
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