"Bishop Leon Benjamin and I dive deep into the horrifying reality of child trafficking — one of the greatest evils of our time. Our children are the number one target of darkness, and the truth is chilling: young boys are being sold for three times as much as girls on the streets of Texas today. Even more shocking, the top buyers of these boys? Married couples. This is about more than just trafficking—it’s a direct assault on identity, separating children from who God created them to be." Lara Logan
9:30am if you want to see for yourselves.
Wake up people, we have child hunters who hunt kids, kidnap them, sell them to highest bitter and other evil scams involving children living among us. They & Them tried to kidnap me when I was 5 at a Dana Point beach, 1971. I got away again. I was too fast suckers, and my foster sister saved my ass from yelling, "foster mommy, they & them are taking crush." They & Them also tried to get me before birth and my Guardian Angel stepped in to save baby crush. Now you losers have to do with me at 58 with experience, intuition & insights (I see liars) and a few other gifts given to me from my God. I will never try and make a buck off my gifts like others have, no way. I love what

see and

see God & Gold for everyone, if you play fair, with merit, honesty, truth and love. If you want to cheat, lie, kill others and steal, you won't make it on the new earth. That energy is no more. Good luck everyone.