T 2.0

Last night the President showed us all what the other side is about. Abortion, Bitterness, Cheating, envy, hating, Jealousy, killin, lying, Pedos, MTFs, resentment, stealing, war and so such more. Good luck espola.

He was oddly restrained (do I dare say "Presidential") when Al Green was barking at him.
From now on you will see The Lion Trump. He's 100% led by God and what God wants for the new earth. I know it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the FACT that God loves you and God love's all of us. God is Love. What I saw last night was love and hate. One side loves humanity and the other said kills humanity. The choice is clear, love or hate, light or darkness. Good luck brother.
Last night was a complete roast on the left and all the hating Dems who just want to kill more. Even the great Q protected 7 years to the day that these freaks would get roasted 7 years later, to the day. Read that again sheep. Don't let espola and Husker Du trick you anymore. We all know what kind of party they & them support. The choice is clear, love or hate.

"Democrats can’t clap for a kid with cancer, or a high schooler who lost his LEO father in the line of duty getting into West Point, or a released hostage held by Russia, or the family of a slain girl, but they can wave the hell out of Ukrainian flags & fund them endlessly. GOT IT!" Don Jr
"Democrats can’t clap for a kid with cancer, or a high schooler who lost his LEO father in the line of duty getting into West Point, or a released hostage held by Russia, or the family of a slain girl, but they can wave the hell out of Ukrainian flags & fund them endlessly. GOT IT!" Don Jr
Don't forget the flag of Mexico, Crush. The country they love so much but risked their lives leaving.

Would-be Assassin, Ukraine and One Suspicious Link Raises Many, Many Questions About National Security After Bizarre Photos Flood Social Media: ‘Everything is Connected’​

espola & Husker Du?????
