T 2.0

More winning.

A majority of voters (52%) think the United States is headed in the right direction, while 48% think it is on the wrong track. This is a significant shift from earlier this month when 67% said the country was on the wrong track and 33% in the right direction.
I remember, on Pedo Joe's watch, when 75% said we're headed in the wrong direction.
When you see accountable people who take their jobs dead serious and know those jobs well giving press conferences on serious matters like plane crashes, rescue and relief efforts, hurricane predictions and the clean up after major disasters, that’s the “deep state” at work saving lives, giving evacuation notices and organizing efforts with the limited resources Congress makes available. They are not speculating, making jokes, casting aspersions nor laying undue blame. They are the backbone of America. Serious, educated, well trained individuals who sacrifice for the good of America. Trump and Co. try to disparage them because they don’t follow his orders they follow the Constitution and do the right thing.
Does the Constitution give Pedo Joe the right to open our borders to 15 million illegal aliens?
It's ironic to me. All these people endorsing illegal aliens being here keep saying, "we need to fix the immigration system." Well, how do you fix it by continuing to let it leak like a sieve? And if you want Mexican workers to stop spending 12 hours a day in the field and making $20 a day doing it, living like slaves in hiding, why on earth would you continue allowing them to come here illegally? Do you dems want human rights for these people or not? Real wages? Decent working conditions? Medical care and benefits? A bulb of garlic is $ .65 each. Yeah, I'll pay a dollar for it if I have to. A head of lettuce is $ 1.85 each. Yeah, I'll pay $ 2.25 for it if I have to. And when those Mexican folks working in the fields realize they will be forced to pay for deadbeats like the rest of our tax dollars fund, they won't vote for Biden, Harris or anyone else in that party.

Oh wait, I forgot, you libtards just wanted them here to vote for you because they have nothing.
Penn is an Ivy. Princeton, Harvard, Yale: top 3, pick any order you like. The rest are tied for last place. Ivy Rule -- Rich dads' kids graduate, sometimes without having to rename a building.
So the purpose of your reply was to tell everyone Penn is an Ivy League School? Yeah, we get that Dartmouth doesn't get the same gloss.

Where did your little brother graduate from?
Can you find me a Guardian article that speaks positively about Trump? You haven't been able to do it any other time I've asked about your sources.
They are too intelligent to do that. From the time of t's first public appearances due to his first divorce, he has proven himself to be a despicable criminal fraud.