Film in the wrong hands with young female soccer players can be harmful to little girls going through what all girls go through at this age. "What's wrong with you?" "You gained weight and look out of shape" "You used to run 5 miles a game and now your down to two." 13 & 14 year old prepping to be the best is insane, moo!!! Anyway, this has taken an interesting turn of events. Dre, my dd lead the Far West Regionals in scoring, 5 goals in Semi's and first goal in finals. She helped lead her team to victory. I have it all on video too On top of that, she gave up 18 months of her young life to win gold and she did. She was told she made it but fell short on getting recruits mom's phone number I guess. Nothing like Doc telling you to your face she's in like flint. I also have all this on text and video and newspaper clips. She didnt make it bro because she fell short. I asked for some clarity and what else she can do and Mr. Doc said the scouts see something but just not sure what and to keep working hard 5 days week 10 months out of the year and give up High School Soccer, no boy friends and be 100% loyal to the man and stop asking questions about why this and that went down and just STFU and all will go well for you baby goat later if YOU stop asking questions.Yah….both my DD’s teams started at u14 reviewing clips and film the Coach prepared for the team.
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