Got it, thanks. I was impressed with Hawaii this weekend, so a 0-0 game with Sting only confirms to me that they are a very good team.
As far as the Sting parents, I'm not sure what strikermomoc was referring to, but it might be a case of one loud dad and not the entire group. They have one dad who was very vocal over his displeasure with the refs during their games this weekend. Our girls were playing on the fields next to them, and the ar at two of our games actually looked at our sideline and said something about how we needed to step-up our complaining game compared to that dad. After their tie with Albion, a coach for Sting walked by that dad (he was still loudly complaining about the ref) and called him "an embarrassment". Unfortunately, I saw a lot of embarrassing parent behavior at the fields this weekend. A good reminder for me to just shut up and enjoy watching my kids play soccer.