Surf Cup - Best of the Best ECNL vs DA

Take all of the quality that you want. I'll take 80 degrees in Del Mar over 101 in Norco any day of the week.
101 degrees??? When we drove by Silverlakes today at 3pm my car thermometer said 105 degrees. I would much rather be at Del Mar or Oceanside.
I didn't comb through all of the teams at Silverlakes, but looks like many are from So Cal, Nor Cal and the PAC NW.

Imagine you are excited to fly to California for a big soccer tournament. You just made this amazing team and can't wait to play with them. And you've never been to California. You are excited to see the ocean, some palm trees, maybe even pass by Lebron James or Kim Kardashian at a Starbucks.
Your dad books a room for the family at a Comfort Suites in a cool little place called Norco.
"It's Horsetown USA!!! This is going to be awesome. It's right near the fields. And we are only about 30 miles from Newport Beach. We have 4 hours between games so we'll take a quick 30 minute drive to the coast for lunch and be back for the 2nd game with plenty of time."
Let's arrive on Thursday so we can be ready for our 10:30 am game on Friday (WTF????)

Your plane lands at John Wayne Airport. You can smell the ocean air and everything looks so cool!!!! Dad picks up the Chevrolet Cruze from Hertz rental car at 4:45pm and you are on your way to Horsetown USA!!!!!. After a 3 hour drive at an average speed of 7 miles per hour, you finally arrive at the Comfort Suites. The view of your room is a liquor store and a tattoo parlor. Over the horizon, you see a field full of horses. You open up the window to your $149 hotel room and the smell of fresh horse shit smacks you in the face like a flying elbow from Zlatan.

You finally get to sleep around 11pm after realizing you need to turn on the TV to drown out the sound of the howling winds and police sirens. The morning comes and you are ready to play!! The field is only 4 miles from the hotel. Coach wants us there by 9:30 am. If we leave by 9:10, we should be fine. Up at 8 am for a quick shower and a granola bar.
You leave the hotel at 9:11 but don't make it to the field until 9:50 because every asshole in line forgot to get $10 cash so it takes forever to get into silverlakes.
It already 90 degrees out at 9 am, but thankfully the winds don't kick up yet. But why does it smell like hot cow shit? I thought California was supposed to be beautiful.

The game starts and the opposing team dads aren't on the sideline yet. Seems strange, but whatever. About 5 minutes later, you see a line of 45 year old men (who were really cool about 20 years ago) making their way from that restaurant that you drove past while you were trying to find field 16. They are all wearing a slammerssurflegendsstrikers tshirt and drinking their 3rd bloody mary of the morning.

Too be continued..... (Or feel free to take over and fill in the rest of the story)
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2 kids and 11 years of club total, not once did we miss a game due to heat. I also don't recall any teammates missing games due to heat. The only time I seen a player with heat exhaustion was U6 AYSO, and it wasn't serious.
Why is that Surf Cup's responsibility?

It's a tournament. Meant to bring teams together AND to generate cash.

Nothing more.

Keep crying tho.
"Best of the Best". Now just a name for one of 3 groups. I'm not crying, I'm laughing. Still will be fun and much better than Norco at over 100.
I didn't comb through all of the teams at Silverlakes, but looks like many are from So Cal, Nor Cal and the PAC NW.

Imagine you are excited to fly to California for a big soccer tournament. You just made this amazing team and can't wait to play with them. And you've never been to California. You are excited to see the ocean, some palm trees, maybe even pass by Lebron James or Kim Kardashian at a Starbucks.
Your dad books a room for the family at a Comfort Suites in a cool little place called Norco.
"It's Horsetown USA!!! This is going to be awesome. It's right near the fields. And we are only about 30 miles from Newport Beach. We have 4 hours between games so we'll take a quick 30 minute drive to the coast for lunch and be back for the 2nd game with plenty of time."
Let's arrive on Thursday so we can be ready for our 10:30 am game on Friday (WTF????)

Your plane lands at John Wayne Airport. You can smell the ocean air and everything looks so cool!!!! Dad picks up the Chevrolet Cruze from Hertz rental car at 4:45pm and you are on your way to Horsetown USA!!!!!. After a 3 hour drive at an average speed of 7 miles per hour, you finally arrive at the Comfort Suites. The view of your room is a liquor store and a tattoo parlor. Over the horizon, you see a field full of horses. You open up the window to your $149 hotel room and the smell of fresh horse shit smacks you in the face like a flying elbow from Zlatan.

You finally get to sleep around 11pm after realizing you need to turn on the TV to drown out the sound of the howling winds and police sirens. The morning comes and you are ready to play!! The field is only 4 miles from the hotel. Coach wants us there by 9:30 am. If we leave by 9:10, we should be fine. Up at 8 am for a quick shower and a granola bar.
You leave the hotel at 9:11 but don't make it to the field until 9:50 because every asshole in line forgot to get $10 cash so it takes forever to get into silverlakes.
It already 90 degrees out at 9 am, but thankfully the winds don't kick up yet. But why does it smell like hot cow shit? I thought California was supposed to be beautiful.

The game starts and the opposing team dads aren't on the sideline yet. Seems strange, but whatever. About 5 minutes later, you see a line of 45 year old men who were really cool about 20 years ago making their way from that restaurant that you drove past while you were trying to find field 16. They are all wearing a slammerssurflegendsstrikers tshirt and drinking their 3rd bloody mary of the morning.

Too be continued..... (Or feel free to take over and fill in the rest of the story)
Dude, I'm crying because I laughed so hard. JH is on the city hard to get that freaking water park built and hotel. Fly into Ontario and never leave Norco. Bring the whol family and stay at silverlake for 4 days. Stay away from the beach. Water park is better ;)
No offense to ANY teams playing in this Tournament but I am speaking specifically about the B03's. Not sure who named these brackets but calling Bracket A the "Best of the Best" really is VERY misleading...LOL. If you comb through the 16 teams playing in this level there isn't ONE of the 52 teams that was in the recent ENPL Playoffs in Chicago let alone the Finals in Denver. Oxnard is the clear favorite here barring any major upsets from one of the other "Best" teams.
On a side note... My heart goes out to the boys having to play multiple games in one day in this Norco heat...
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No offense to ANY teams playing in this Tournament but I am speaking specifically about the B03's. Not sure who named these brackets but calling Bracket A the "Best of the Best" really is VERY misleading...LOL. If you comb through the 16 teams playing in this level there isn't ONE of the 52 teams that was in the recent ENPL Playoffs in Chicago let alone the Finals in Denver. Oxnard is the clear favorite here barring any major upsets from one of the other "Best" teams.
On a side note... My heart goes out to the boys having to play multiple games in one day in this Norco heat...[/QUOTE

The best of the best is terminology used by the Surf Cup. Not the tourney in Norco.
Day 1 take away from Oceanside. My dd had fun :) Fields were awesome!!! Branding/Marketing excellent. College Coaches on hand, great weather and very professionally run. A few negatives. I'm not getting the "Best of the Best" tagline. It was everywhere. It's also the name of the the top group in each age group. A slap in some teams faces IMO. Too many customers confused with it. Fix that and no one can touch this tournament. I did smell some stuff that made me feel like I was in Norco and we did have some wind in the afternoon. All and all I give $urf Cup $ports a b+ and for those who score stuff like this "8.978." They would easily get A+ 0r a 10 if they truly fix the "Best of the Best." Lets here from the Norco folks.......
No Crapola. This was meant to distinguish between the tourneys. But you knew that. I guess you must be bored today.

I wasn't sure. Surf Cup Sports has enough administrators (I won't say "lawyers" because I am not sure) that I thought they might have trademarked the phrase, at least in the application of youth sports.
No offense to ANY teams playing in this Tournament but I am speaking specifically about the B03's. Not sure who named these brackets but calling Bracket A the "Best of the Best" really is VERY misleading...LOL. If you comb through the 16 teams playing in this level there isn't ONE of the 52 teams that was in the recent ENPL Playoffs in Chicago let alone the Finals in Denver. Oxnard is the clear favorite here barring any major upsets from one of the other "Best" teams.
On a side note... My heart goes out to the boys having to play multiple games in one day in this Norco heat...
B03 parent here. It was either Surf Cup or Silverlakes. Unless you are a an out of town "Best of the Best", (or just out out town) then you didn't get into Surf Cup. You can't really expect Surf to accept anything more than a token local team (other than 2 mediocre Surf teams) who aren't staying at the $150 a night hotel. Norco was hot but not unbearable. All the brackets that I followed only played one game a day. As someone whose kid plays at Norco all season, I can say that I prefer the fields and the amenities over Polo grounds or Oceanside. If it wasn't the wind, then Norco would be perfect.