I was under the impression we were talking about playing the team you developed as a coach. If as a coach you are known for teaching and developing your team, you should be expecting the players to want to continue to be in your team; so why do these teams "go through changes" every season? And no, no player should be bound to any coach they are not happy with, for any length of time. And no coach should come and try to poach players from other teams; but that's just another common phenomenon in socal club soccer.
Why do these teams go through changes every season? Please tell me you are feigning ignorance. Children (most likely their parents) make decisions to change teams/clubs all the time, even if their child is developing under their current coach. People move, financials, playing time, field position changes, friends/family moving teams, parental/teammate conflicts, quitting soccer, choosing another sport, development at a faster/slower pace than the team, and more.
Who cares about recruiting? If you agree that no player is bound to a particular coach or club, and you respect a family's personal decision(s) to choose what they think is best for their child, then relax and enjoy your own path. No one is forced to go or not go anywhere.
Now you sound ridiculous. How about we highlight the fact that Slammers, in all its variations of CDA's and FC's have 23, twenty three, girls teams in the 2008 group alone. Or that Legends have 11, and I'm not even going to go into all the Surfs. Do you honestly think that a team like Boca Jrs, or Empire, or South Valley can benefit from the free for all CRL "player pass rule"??? And to that point, Slammers is notorious for gaming the system; haven't really noticed it with Legends or Surf. So when you are taking credit for Slammers victories, just keep in mind that there are real teams out there who are playing with their own players.
Outside you having the ability to do addition, none of that is relevant without facts. I am open to being wrong and having you show me otherwise with facts and not feelings, but here's what I know:
Fact: players may only be passed that are "rostered to
their club" per CRL rule 4.03
NL Pacific Conference Powered by CRL Conference Operating Policy’s Amended 4/15/2019
Fact: CDA Slammers are affiliates and not the same club as Slammers FC.
Fact: Other smaller teams can benefit from the pass rule
Evidence: All teams can pass the same age and up. Empire SC has 2 girls teams per age bracket >>
HERE; South Valley has 2 girls team per age bracket >>
HERE; Boca JR LA has 2 G08 teams >>
HERE (3 remaining groups only 1 requiring playing up, not sure on depth or signature/rec); Other posters in the CRL post cited the rule helping their team due to injuries.
If you respond with facts, I'm open to that, but beyond that I'm aware there is no changing your subjective opinion and wish you well.