Excited to think that if my DD ever drops down to play her true 06 age that there is no shortage of talent and competition as was evident at Surf Cup this year.Where is some "objective" thoughts from Tech?
Thoughts on...
Final 4 teams? All 4 semifinalist from two brackets?
Socal 2006 girls?
Who opened eyes?
What do we know now about this age group with one month left in the Tournament season?
Strikers looked very strong and if slotted in one of the other Quarter-Finals, probably makes the Semi-Finals, but they ran into Sting just like everyone else did.
San Juan, very impressed with their squad and team play. Saw them play Strikers in a game where Strikers threw everything at them to throw them off and San Juan remained true to form.
Galaxy continues to play some of the best soccer out there, but has a couple of weaknesses that will get stronger over the course of the season. Teams took advantage and Galaxy fell short of expectations.
All seemed quiet on the Surf front, they took care of business throughout the tournament and I think their loss to Sting put a damper on what was in fact a great run for them.
Legends is really starting to come together and looks to be the favorite for SCDSL - North this season.
Both Anaheim Surf and Beach - LB took big steps forward in the 06 age group and are no longer just dark-horses but contenders.
Didn't catch any of Blues Holley's games but they had a sub-par performance with results.
Blues - Rennie / Mulligan had a tough group but will still be a team to watch out for this season.
Albion is another team that is quietly taking care of business even after player movement and age change.
Saw Sting play a couple of times and whatever you want to call it; big, strong, fast, technical, conditioned, ahead of the curve, etc. they are the real deal right now and to the victor goes the spoils. Their girls won and in the name of fun / don't take ourselves so seriously manner that this forum allows us, their posters have every right to crow.
Congrats Sting! and congratulations to all the girls who were having fun and working hard this weekend playing the beautiful game.
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