Maybe we should just ditch the idea of trying to invest in making the US a powerhouse (or even a qualifier) in international soccer. Instead embrace what we all know kids are doing which is video games. ESPN has its esports website and even broadcasts games. Legend of Legends pros make big money. I have even heard they expect esports to grow into the 3rd largest sport over the next decade. We have a huge advantage in this up and coming sport and maybe we should be doubling down on it. Forming a US Gaming Association and pulling kids out of school to devote more time to gaming. That way when there is a world cup or it is added to the Olympics we can make sure we dominate.
Ughh...don't give them ideas and ruin it for the kids. We already have parents hiring fortnite coaches and people complaining about the fortnite making it harder on pro gamers v. harder on amateurs some-times players. Before you know it, parents will be former special clubs where only elite players can play together and then competing to who can have the most exclusive group (I have the snipers league...well I have the supersnipers league...well I have the super secret dream academy snipers league). Then they'll be importing track suited Russian coaches to teach their kids how to hack. The Russians will demand that the super elite players give up playing with their friends so they can focus 100% on their training. Colleges will want to get a piece of the action and start offering scholarships. Regular kids will get discouraged from playing and drop out and the NYTimes will run a piece about how America is in crisis because kids are dropping out of video games. The elite players will begin to suffer thumb injuries and we'll get an entire physical therapy industry devoted to thumb injuries. They'll organize a world body of fortnite competitions and Dubai or some other country will bribe the world body to bring the championships to their city. And Ali-A will declare himself "the greatest fortnite player in the universe" and throw a fit when the US National Teams leaves him off for having a poor attitude. Nobody wants that.