Interesting on the low/no cost req from MLS Next. hadn't seen that before (doesn't mean it wasn't there, just hadn't seen it).
In 2019-20, US Soccer gave about 650 players an average of about $1,500 per player to help with DA costs in 2019-20.
Probably one of the biggest impact/least talked about items that went away when DA went away. Lot of kids left non-MLS clubs as a result when these clubs didn't cover the gap left by US Soccer.
But devil is in the details. How much will MLS Next stick to their guns on low/no cost for players if they want a big club like the Strikers (or Surf) to come back to MLS Next...?
DA gave out travel subsidies to clubs for players from families that could show low income or proverty. Showcases and playoffs did not require entry or field fees.
League fees, field rentals, coaching salary's, travel accommodations, ref fees, training costs, etc where all left to the clubs. Hundreds of thousands spendt to millions for MLS clubs per year.
ECXx doesn't subsidize much of anything and they require at least ~ $1.2k entry per team for each national event.
To gain acceptance to NEXT pretty sure they look at prior history, finances, sponsors, affiliations, etc and don't want a bunch of regular pay to play clubs otherwise it's just another club league that's called something else.
Several former DA clubs went to ECxx partly due economics and partly due to the fact they couldn't win championship and had trouble even qualiifing for the playoffs, surf, strikers, arsenal, nomads never did, pats did win one year but the had to combine with another team force with the v brothers to do so. Strikers where regulated to the 2nd tier as where others who didn't like that at all.
The economics of MLS-next is even tougher now since the USSF subsidies are gone, clubs are expected to foot more of the bill.
For some clubs boys ECxx is a easier sell, competition is not as good so teams may appear like there doing better, they normally have showcases or national events that college types attend so customers (parents) are happier even if there paying more to be competitive.