Blame the clubs or blame the parents?
Parents sign on with a club with the expectation that they will start with the new club once state cup ends. They may sign anytime from November until the start of the Fall season.
But as soon as they sign on and they see the new team play their first game, they start looking around for next year. Their kid didn't play enough. The team got killed. Their kid played in a new position. There was a parent on the sideline that rubbed them the wrong way. The coach is too loud. The coach is too quiet.
Parents of players that are of similar strength start having sidebar conversations about trying to keep these top players together by all going to the same tryouts and trying to find a stronger team.
Clubs start the tryout process early to get ahead of any surprises on who is leaving. Most clubs would prefer to keep their team as-is through State Cup. But if they wait until the end of February, most players have already made a decision to leave. If a club has a full roster and 2 kids that are complete studs show up, it's bad news for the bottom 2 players on the roster. It's actually bad news for everyone on the roster because these 2 star players knock everyone down a notch. (Some would argue this is good for the team - It's pushing existing players to improve.)
Coaches start shopping for new options around this time of year too. A variety of reasons:
- Their existing club didn't support the coach with players (IE - they didn't help recruit. They took the 2 best players from the B team and put them on the A team. So now the B team lost every game and the 13 remaining players are all looking around).
- Their existing club didn't pay them properly (late payments, short payment, required them to be at the field more than was originally expected).
- Their existing club hired someone new to be a director or take on a the A team, when it was promised to this coach before.
- A new club offered them more money or a higher level position.
And now that clubs are able to field 5+ teams in an age group, it's rare that a player doesn't get offered a spot with the club. They may wind up on the A or the E team, but the club will offer a spot. So they sign on. And then a month before the season starts, the team they are on only has 12 players.