The problem for all the SoCal facilities and the community parks is that over the last 24 hours, we have had 2 waves hit us with nearly 3 inches (or more) of rain during that time period. All of the fields are saturated to the point that fields are shedding surface water laterally. The rain ends this afternoon, which is enough time for well built sports fields with good drainage and 12" sand caps to shed water (think professional stadiums) and be ready to play.
Since all fields are at a saturation point (except Lancaster), for fields to be ready on Saturday, we would need the weather to be sunny, warm (above 70F), windy and low humidity, less than 50%. 36 to 48 hours should be enough time, if all other conditions are favorable.
Unfortunately, the forecast calls for another 1/4 inch on Friday night, with Friday being overcast, high humidity and moderate winds. The temperatures will not rise above 55F and humidity will be high, which stunts evaporation. Then, we have a 1/4 or more of rain on Friday night that will add moisture to fields that are still 60% to 70% saturated.
In addition, Cal South doesn't want families to book hotels only to find that the fields are unplayable on Saturday morning.