On the subject of splitting - our DD was the only GK up until U15. Good experience, playing solo and sharing for all reasons cited about - competition, etc. We are looking at some scenarios now back to splitting or having the goal to ourself, and are finding it interesting that there is a coaching philosophy here too. Some coaches will only carry one keeper, others want two. Would love to hear more about that as this is the first year we are really seeing it from both sides as a keeper and seeing coaches with a direct opinion on this too. Any feedback is welcome. Thanks
As the level of play increases and the kids get older, its less about player development and more about winning. We just had a post in the GK forum that started out with the phrase that the team is looking for a keeper that can take the team to at least the semi's in National Cup for a U18 girls team (2001). A good coach is going to want to carry at least 2 keepers at the older age group for 2 reasons: (1) training sessions can be more game like when doing small-sided play; and (2) injuries are more catastrophic at the older levels. Some clubs will have multiple teams at an age group (generally at the younger levels) and can pull up keepers from other teams if in need, which is a luxury that the smaller clubs don't have and which disappears at the U16+ level for many programs given player attrition.