The Outlaw *BANNED*
I notice Dr. Fauci is MIA.
Hopefully he's working. Something the democrats could stand to do after a 3-year long break.
I notice Dr. Fauci is MIA.
your wish is my wish unless you want this to kill more than 12,000 people like the swine flu or 40,000+ like the seasonal flu. I've been posting that this virus isn't that serious since the beginning. Hopefully my wishful thinking will be correct. Only 685 deaths so far at a 1.2% mortality rate, most of which are seniors with failing health.
So if a doctor in New York has discovered a drug cocktail that prevents covid 19 (or cures it? it's not clear) why would the first person he tells about it be Sean Hannity?
My wish is that those who have the power to do something will listen to those who have the knowledge and training to know what to do.
Packed churches on Easter is not exactly where we should be heading now unless the point is to selectively kill off Christians.
Wait, you're kidding, right? "How many kids under 18 are killed so far?". You're comparing apples to oranges. Coronavirus and Swine Flu are different viruses so have different manifestations. Normally the tends to be more lethal for elderly and the very young. COVID-19 seems to largely spare people under 18.We know this already, I was the ones that posted that over 60 million were infected by the swine flu and over 12,000 died in 2009. Within the first 6 months of swine flue over 500 children under 18 were killed in the u.s. We are over a solid 2 months of coronavirus in the U.S. how many kids under 18 are killed so far? let me know when this coronavirus reaches those numbers. Like I said a week or 2 ago, ill be ready for the "well, we were on lockdown" excuse when we don't reach those numbers. once again, no lockdown for south korea. We should be "social distancing" during flu season anyway. After, it kills 40,000+ every year including healthy children under 18.
Again, I don't understand your point in quoting the number of kids under 18 who died. That is not a comparable statistic to use since kids under 18 are largely spared by Coronavirus whereas with the Swine Flu they weren't.Also, if you want some context, coronavirus hit us right before peak flu season which is February and March, and we are still less than 500 killed. Swine flu hit us in April as we were heading into summer when flu infections significantly decrease and it still killed over 500 kids under 18 within the first 6 months. We were lucky with the swine flu, it could have been much worse.
lets agree to disagree. Seasonal flu kills 500+ kids under 24 years of age every year, to include elderly and poor in health. kills 40,000+ people a year. coronavirus has a specific demographic that it is lethal to. yes young kids can get sick, poor in health at every age can die, but large majority of those killed are over 70 in poor health. we shut down business, risking up to 20% unemployment over a couple hundred people that would have likely died from the flu/pneumonia, the #8 leading cause of death in the u.s. The exponential growth that everyone is talking about is topping out at roughly 80k with a major lockdown in china and roughly 9k without a lockdown in korea. We have tested more people in the U.S. and are testing more people daily than korea like I pointed out to husker until he changed the topic. The CDC messed up, not because we didn't have a pandemic response team, not because we weren't prepared, it was a mistake. We got delayed because of that but the speed of tests getting out there and getting conducted is a lot more than people think or the media care to report. I actually hate the fact trump gave in to a lockdown. hopefully he lifts it soon. like I said before, we'll see if you chicken littles are right, hopefully I'm the one that right. The lockdown will show to be more of a detriment than a cure to the problem.Again, I don't understand your point in quoting the number of kids under 18 who died. That is not a comparable statistic to use since kids under 18 are largely spared by Coronavirus whereas with the Swine Flu they weren't.
You mention that people will be "making excuses" if there aren't as many deaths with coronavirus--as if you see those who don't agree with you (me for one) as hoping that there are more deaths in order to take a dig at Trump. Well, you're full of sh*t. I hope and pray that we don't see the numbers go up. I don't give a rat's *ss if Trump suddenly becomes a hero and is able to work fast to get the tests we need, the respirators, etc etc etc. But that hasn't happened. He was dragging his feet in the beginning because he was worried about his re-election and I honestly think he had no clue it was going to get this bad.
South Korea didn't need to shut down because they reacted so swiftly. As soon as there was a single case they started testing broadly. They also started intense contact tracing, using video survelliance, GPS, and other tools to track everywhere those infected, or possible infected, had one and who they interacted with. There response was jaw dropping. Trump reacted far too slowly which is why we had to shut down. He is not alone, I think the UK reaction was even worse than the US.
I can only hope we are learning from this because there will be another pandemic, that is guaranteed.
lets agree to disagree. Seasonal flu kills 500+ kids under 24 years of age every year, to include elderly and poor in health. kills 40,000+ people a year. coronavirus has a specific demographic that it is lethal to. yes young kids can get sick, poor in health at every age can die, but large majority of those killed are over 70 in poor health. we shut down business, risking up to 20% unemployment over a couple hundred people that would have likely died from the flu/pneumonia, the #8 leading cause of death in the u.s. The exponential growth that everyone is talking about is topping out at roughly 80k with a major lockdown in china and roughly 9k without a lockdown in korea. We have tested more people in the U.S. and are testing more people daily than korea like I pointed out to husker until he changed the topic. The CDC messed up, not because we didn't have a pandemic response team, not because we weren't prepared, it was a mistake. We got delayed because of that but the speed of tests getting out there and getting conducted is a lot more than people think or the media care to report. I actually hate the fact trump gave in to a lockdown. hopefully he lifts it soon. like I said before, we'll see if you chicken littles are right, hopefully I'm the one that right. The lockdown will show to be more of a detriment than a cure to the problem.
Packed churches on Easter is not exactly where we should be heading now unless the point is to selectively kill off Christians.
Let's agree that you sure hope your wishes come true.
From that same article it states that we should be testing 100,000 a day, but only very recentlly have been ramped up to 40,000 a day.![]()
Testing blunders crippled US response as coronavirus spread
WASHINGTON (AP) — A series of missteps at the nation's top public health agency caused a critical shortage of reliable laboratory tests for the coronavirus, hobbling the federal response as the pandemic spread across the country like wildfire, an Associated Press review
From the director of the Global Health Institute at Harvard, Dr. Ashish K. Jha. Scroll to the bottom if you don't have time to read.
I'm not a chicken little. I'm not afraid for myself as I'm not in a high risk category and my reaction in the beginning was similar to yours, why is everyone panicking? As time went on I realized why this is a bigger deal. 1) We don't have any treatment as of yet. With the flu, including the swine flu, we had medicines to combat it including anti-virals. We don't have anything definitive yet for Coronavirus though some of the Ebola anti-virals have shown promise. 2) Though the lethality rate isn't as high as SARS or MERS it's still extremely lethal for certain categories. Those people are going to need hospital beds and equipment that we just don't have enough of. Our hospitals get overrun then where is the car accident victim going to go? The woman suffering complications in her pregnancy putting her child at risk? etc. etc. etc.lets agree to disagree. Seasonal flu kills 500+ kids under 24 years of age every year, to include elderly and poor in health. kills 40,000+ people a year. coronavirus has a specific demographic that it is lethal to. yes young kids can get sick, poor in health at every age can die, but large majority of those killed are over 70 in poor health. we shut down business, risking up to 20% unemployment over a couple hundred people that would have likely died from the flu/pneumonia, the #8 leading cause of death in the u.s. The exponential growth that everyone is talking about is topping out at roughly 80k with a major lockdown in china and roughly 9k without a lockdown in korea. We have tested more people in the U.S. and are testing more people daily than korea like I pointed out to husker until he changed the topic. The CDC messed up, not because we didn't have a pandemic response team, not because we weren't prepared, it was a mistake. We got delayed because of that but the speed of tests getting out there and getting conducted is a lot more than people think or the media care to report. I actually hate the fact trump gave in to a lockdown. hopefully he lifts it soon. like I said before, we'll see if you chicken littles are right, hopefully I'm the one that right. The lockdown will show to be more of a detriment than a cure to the problem.
According to you all Dems are in, or should be in, jail. So you're just going to remove Dems from the office and replace them with more Dems? Sounds good to me. We're everywhere you can't get rid of us...we're hiding behind your couch...rearranging the cans in your kitchen pantry...putting your toilet paper roll on backwards...hahahahaha!!! We're EVERYWHEREEEE!!!!!!I Give Shit who's in Charge...!
I am sick of the Democrats and their Evil Agendas...!
This Country would be MUCH better off if EVERY
Democrat was removed from office and replace with
one of the prisoners being released from New York's
At least you would KNOW you are dealing with a
Criminal and quite possibly they would do the RIGHT THING !
I'm not a chicken little. I'm not afraid for myself as I'm not in a high risk category and my reaction in the beginning was similar to yours, why is everyone panicking? As time went on I realized why this is a bigger deal. 1) We don't have any treatment as of yet. With the flu, including the swine flu, we had medicines to combat it including anti-virals. We don't have anything definitive yet for Coronavirus though some of the Ebola anti-virals have shown promise. 2) Though the lethality rate isn't as high as SARS or MERS it's still extremely lethal for certain categories. Those people are going to need hospital beds and equipment that we just don't have enough of. Our hospitals get overrun then where is the car accident victim going to go? The woman suffering complications in her pregnancy putting her child at risk? etc. etc. etc.
So as time went on it finally dawned on me why this particular virus needs to be slowed down---and it's not just to save lives (that's obvious) but also to buy us some time. My hope is that soon we'll have a medicine that proves effective, thus reducing those needing to be hospitalized (or reducing the length of their stay), and then we get a vaccine.
A side note on the flu. The hospitalization rate for flu is around 1%, for Coronavirus it's around 12%.
And, yes, I do hope you're right. I hope Trump is right about the virus dying when the weather gets warmer. I don't care who the messenger is, I just want a good outcome.