Question for y’all: the president always and intentionally refers to CV as the China or Chines virus. Sure other people have already said it (and I missed it) but here’s my theory:
classic dog whistle to his ferverent base of voters. Blame the “other”. Used to be Mexicans and other Latin Americans. Then FBI and other Deep State actors. Throw in Hollywood liberals, US citizens of Middle eastern descent, European- centric “snowflakes”, African Americans, LGBTQ community, females writ large. All are enemies and obstacles to djt’s vision of a society that reflects his small minded and shallow world view.
So, now that a new virus overtakes our daily life all around the world, djt needs a new villain to fight so he can call his ardent supporters to action in November or he might loose his re election.
A Virus is not tangible enough of a villain to fight so he pulled out his dog whistle and with all his might is screaming to his supporters: it’s the Chinese!!
I’m no fool and I’m sure me expressing myself on this forum will get plenty of backlash, but that’s a right we all thankfully still have.
hope everyone’s staying healthy and able to keep earning a living through this.