SoCal Blue Baker

After reading the post and your comments above are you saying the game itself is not fun at BB? There is a need to create enjoyment after scoring 15 in 50 min so the answer is snub the team your crushing and embarrass the club? Seems a bit of flawed logic or if in fact the case a bit sad!

I didn't say anything about whether it's fun or not at BB. That's on them. All I'm saying is that in general, girls are held to different standards and that the fun is stripped away sometimes, especially on the highest level. What's wrong with celebrating? No matter the club or team. I don't think it was meant as a snub or they would have celebrated all 15 goals, but who knows. I just like to watch different teams when I'm at tournaments and Blues happened to be the more exciting to watch this weekend. Maybe someone who is in the know at Blues can comment about whether or not they are embarrassed. I still don't understand why they should be. But then again, it is an all girls club and I've already mentioned the difference in standards.
I get your point and I do agree the fun sometimes gets stripped. I am all for having fun just thought the timing was a bit weak.
I would be lying if I said the blues are not exciting to watch.
I get your point and I do agree the fun sometimes gets stripped. I am all for having fun just thought the timing was a bit weak.
I would be lying if I said the blues are not exciting to watch.

It seems you are more mad that they celebrated when beating a team by large margins. Would that celebration have been ok with you if it had been a tie game or close one? Just curious.
I don't have any issue with a celebration scripted or not as long as it is not excessive. I do prefer to see a non-scripted response of elation for a close game. To me celebration is part of any sport and part of the fun. Where I do struggle is the timing here and the celebration. The floppy fish was a bit excessive but did not bother me by itself other then the timing. What I thought was sad was watching the girl who scored after getting up from flopping around be carried 30 yds to her side of the field by her teammates like she was Rudy. It wasn't the last minute and it was 15-0.
I don't have any issue with a celebration scripted or not as long as it is not excessive. I do prefer to see a non-scripted response of elation for a close game. To me celebration is part of any sport and part of the fun. Where I do struggle is the timing here and the celebration. The floppy fish was a bit excessive but did not bother me by itself other then the timing. What I thought was sad was watching the girl who scored after getting up from flopping around be carried 30 yds to her side of the field by her teammates like she was Rudy. It wasn't the last minute and it was 15-0.

Was she the only girl on the team who hadn't scored?
Although I did not keep stats I don't believe so.

I thought perhaps the coach had tried to hold back his team by saying something like "Only Madison can score" because they all knew she was the one player who would never score.
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