Shin guard rash

What happened to "practice like you play"?
It's not cool to wear shin guards unless you are playing an actual game. At least that's what the mentality seems to be among olders. Some youngers occasionally as well. Until you see the errant swing and a miss of the ball and smack into the unprotected shin. What follows is the limp n hobble move for a few minutes while the pain subsides. Sometimes they learn from it..sometimes they don't. A former coach for one of my kids said no shin guards=no playing..regardless if it's a game or training. He was a good coach and didn't want to see anyone injured. Makes all the sense in the world.
And another thumbs up for the Storelli sleeves. Padding on the outside helps keep my GK from getting stomped by the pissed off striker who just got robbed of a scoring opportunity.
for the life of me i cant get my kid to put on the storelli guards. my kid is pretty lazy when it comes a lot things - despite the kicks in the arse. Even with bouts of rash and ringworm. I can only advice to always wipe the shin guards with clorox wipes after every use. the storelli calf guard with shin guard holder is a great product.
I noticed the guards with the smooth textures on the inside cause less issues.

That was the case for my daughter. The guards with the porous padding (i.e., the most commonly used guards) caused a lot of rash issues for my daughter...even with the cleaning and taking them off right after the game. It didn't matter if they had the foam-like material or fabric. Rash everytime.

The material in the flylite guards is a smooth rubberized material. My daughter can wear them for hours without issue.

Can't say they'll work for everyone, but they were really worth the additional cost for me.