Were you selling to a referee or to a dog?
Wonder if SCDSL looks in the mirror to see if they have made any of these problems worse.
1. 2,500 games per weekend. Has the league gotten too big? How many 13 player rosters are out there that could be chopped up to give everyone at least 16 on a team.
2. Referee Quality - Now that 70% of teams (I made that stat up) are considered "Flight 1" - are expectations for quality referees to high?
3. Driving from Field-to-Field - With so many games now being played at Great Park or Silverlakes, clubs that don't use these facilities are starting to see their field space get squeezed. So now you have 1 game on a field in the middle of a subdivision. Where you had 3 or 4 games per day at that same field a few years ago.
4. Games starting late because referees are late. Again - have some many games crammed into a weekend has shrunk the time in between games. And if 1 game starts late, it snowballs to the rest of the games that day.
5. I do like that they will accept a picture of a player card. We have pictures of our player cards stored in our TeamSnap account.
6. Parents are crazy. It's like they think they are at an NFL game and can scream from the nosebleed seats like maniacs. The difference is that everyone hears you. And the think you're an asshole.