Yeah. Im not good to play in the EPL or the MLS. I play in a Sunday AM beer league.
If you aren’t on a top 2 team within a single age group at a club, you either need a new club or rethink paying for club soccer period. But as long as mommy and daddy can write the check, there will always be a home for kids.
And I get it; it doesn’t look as good on wifey’s Facebook to say that Lil Johnny or Lil Debbie play AYSO. So parents keep paying way too much to win bogus trophies, and play bad soccer, and not develop, because they can afford it. But they can post those photos of third and fourth tier tourney “championship wins.”
I saw a popular club’s post on Instagram recently that its 4th team at a specific age group won its 4th? summer tourney and was the “Best Team yagain” at the West Coast tournament.
What that club failed to mention was that it was competing in either the 2nd or third flight of the tourney, and that team would have been destroyed by any of the other teams in the higher flight.
It’s not just bad marketing, it’s borderline fraud.
But those parents on the team probably believe it, and the uninformed parents at other clubs who are looking for a good home will believe it.
That’s a problem in my eyes.