Been off this forum for some time and this scandal brought me back to see the rhetoric.
IMO, this scandal isn't about the soccer programs, or any other programs, the schools still want to put on the field the best that they can, the thing is admission to the "elite" universities. The minimum requirements are very low for the NCAA, something like a 2.3 gpa and about 950 on SAT's to be eligible. Coaches will give a list of names to admissions of the athletes that they are recruiting and that is all that they need. They don't use their scholarship money or give up roster spots to the individuals involved in the scandal, they pay their own tuition, which they can afford, they just can't make it through the admissions process because these elite schools want elite academic students, 4.4 gpa, 1500 on the SAT, so the individuals bribe the coaches to include their names, that is it, (or have someone take the SAT's for them, pay off teachers for grades in HS).
You have all probably seen a similar issue with all club sports for youth; coaches will be spoiled by well off families such as an actual bribe, paying for gear, paying for other players, paying for meals, etc.. just so their kid can say that they are on the team, maybe get some playing time in meaningless games. I have seen it in a variety of sports. Parents feel that money is the cure-all and they can buy playing time, and now, they can buy admission for their sub-par kids to get into the elite schools. If parents are willing to spend the money, there are sharks that are willing to provide the service.
In the words of the old CSL days, we have bronze level players whose parents are convinced (because they have the money), that their little Susie is a premier level player and ready and willing to sign a blank check.
Shame on the College Board for allowing the testing to be tainted.
Shame on the Coaches for being willing to accept bribes to write in names for their sports.
But mostly, shame on the parents that are willing to write checks so that their entitled, below standard kids, can be counted among those that have the skills and work ethic to actually meet the admission requirements and taking spots away from the kids that should be there.
IMO, this scandal isn't about the soccer programs, or any other programs, the schools still want to put on the field the best that they can, the thing is admission to the "elite" universities. The minimum requirements are very low for the NCAA, something like a 2.3 gpa and about 950 on SAT's to be eligible. Coaches will give a list of names to admissions of the athletes that they are recruiting and that is all that they need. They don't use their scholarship money or give up roster spots to the individuals involved in the scandal, they pay their own tuition, which they can afford, they just can't make it through the admissions process because these elite schools want elite academic students, 4.4 gpa, 1500 on the SAT, so the individuals bribe the coaches to include their names, that is it, (or have someone take the SAT's for them, pay off teachers for grades in HS).
You have all probably seen a similar issue with all club sports for youth; coaches will be spoiled by well off families such as an actual bribe, paying for gear, paying for other players, paying for meals, etc.. just so their kid can say that they are on the team, maybe get some playing time in meaningless games. I have seen it in a variety of sports. Parents feel that money is the cure-all and they can buy playing time, and now, they can buy admission for their sub-par kids to get into the elite schools. If parents are willing to spend the money, there are sharks that are willing to provide the service.
In the words of the old CSL days, we have bronze level players whose parents are convinced (because they have the money), that their little Susie is a premier level player and ready and willing to sign a blank check.
Shame on the College Board for allowing the testing to be tainted.
Shame on the Coaches for being willing to accept bribes to write in names for their sports.
But mostly, shame on the parents that are willing to write checks so that their entitled, below standard kids, can be counted among those that have the skills and work ethic to actually meet the admission requirements and taking spots away from the kids that should be there.