Today's lesson will be about "The U14 YNT List of 2017." For anyone who is new on here and have no idea what "The List" is, I will be sharing how "The List" and "The Training Centers" were used to try and get "one trick ponies" from one club ((mostly non ECNL Clubs players)) over to their clubs because this new league had the list and you needed to be at a club that is proudly a part of the new Girls Development Academy. Only in this league can you punch your ticket to Hollywood they said, right
@pokergod? I feel that is the big rub from clubs who got players stolen back in the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 seasons. GDA bragged and pumped their fists in the air and said, "we are the way, the truth and the life" for the new kind of development soccer. That was 100% true. The List of 2017 is really the only list my dd tried out for. All the other lists she had no interest in. She chose HS in early 2018 and walked away from any list opportunities. The marketing part for the club is what makes the list so valuable, besides the value to the parents and child for future D1 deal. For example, let's say the Sharks had a stud forward that they developed since the goat was 5. Surf recruits the forward and says, "You need to be here because of this and this and that." The forward leaves Shark Pin and makes YNT the next year. How does the Sharks feel? I know EOTL says it's both the Sharks and the stupid parents fault for taking the freebie from surf. Now, the forward is plastered on all online platforms to show all the other parents and friends on FB that they ((The club and GDA)) developed this goat, when in all honesty it was the goat who put in all the training with the help of a coach and a club. For example, the GDA said this about SM,
Sophia Smith Becomes First Girls' Academy Alum Drafted Into NWSL.
She will also be the answer to a new trivia question. Who was the only player to be the first & last player drafted in the NWSL from the GDA? Back to the shark analogy. The Sharks lost their stud player and now others from the area will want to be on the list too. Clubs from the GDA pitched this to the top players. Question, can the Sharks take her image and say, "Were so proud of so and so for making U14 National team. It was because of us she made it though. Without our club, no way she makes the list." No they won;t do that, right? Tech, the list was only used to get one trick ponies ((goats)) from one club with no GDA and to a club with the badge of honor. U14 was not even a team like they preached to me and dd. The List Kickers dd made is not the list I was talking about so were all clear. I have made comments about that list, but nothing about his kid not deserving at all. In fact, I pm kicker and publicly said congrats. Plus, she earned it on the field and with hard work. I just want the facts to be known for all the viewers. My dd was not trying to make any list after the Sept 2017 list or the nexts one after that or if their will ever be ones like before. My dd is not chasing ECNL National Championship, only wants to play against all the top players and teams and see what lady luck in soccer can bring. If theirs one sport where miracles can happen it's girls soccer. She is 100% chasing a CIF HS Soccer championship. The school has zero and it would be cool to get one for her. I will share later about my findings of how this list benefited the GDA clubs with huge growth the last two years, all the while the smaller club is losing customers left and right. In fact, the club that paid for the goat is also trying to buy the little clubs. If you can;t beat them, buy them
So I have changed my mine again. All the GDA teams going to ECRL will just have to kick everyone's ass like you did in half the GDA games the last two years. Do that for one more year and then the next year when my dd doesn;t play it can get all sorted out. What a mess all this is.
P.S. Tech. I told my dd about someone on the forum saying she's one trick pony like what RB said. She got a good laugh out of it and so did I and I mean that. No hard feelings at all. Lastly, it's cool your dd got in all those defensive battles with Kickers dd the past few years. Cool memories for the kiddos