You get an F- in Business 101. If there are a “bunch of mini-monopolies”, this means there are no monopolies at all. Clubs still have tremendous incentive to provide value to their customers because there are so many other options. If Blues doesn’t float your boat for any reason, there are other ECNL clubs. If you don’t want want to pay what it costs to play for an ECNL club, go to any of the other multitude of clubs. If your kid isn’t good enough to play ECNL, also go to one of those clubs, or play on a lower team at a club that has ECNL.
An open system of promotion/relegation makes no financial sense for ECNL clubs. At most, you’ll see ECNL provide a (still closed) system of maybe two tiers but probably not even that on the girls side. Why? If it can slay the US Soccer dragon without them, why would it screw up a system that works?
The successful business model of ECNL depends on the high quality of the member clubs. But even if they do go to two tiers, they still aren’t going to let any yahoo team with a 12-year old superstar into their league. You keep demanding access to things that cost a lot of money without having to pay for it and without doing the work to earn it.
When are you going to figure out that ECNL does not care that your daughter’s team U12 team is really good? They care only that member clubs are financially stable, which is necessary to ensure members can pay the substantial costs necessary to participate, and also that clubs can regularly field quality and committed teams at all age levels.
You also claim ECNL was created to extract money from the pockets of parents, which is just dumb. Really dumb. Just like virtually every single legitimate business in America, ECNL was created to provide a service or goods in exchange for compensation, and in a sustainable manner that allows the business to reap an appropriate profit. The ECNL/GDA battle is a perfect example of the market working. GDA was financially unsustainable, so it failed. ECNL and all the other SoCal youth soccer leagues that remain are financial sustainable and, go figure, they still exist. If ECNL becomes inefficient and stops proving good value for the market - as it did when it excluded too many SD clubs - rivals like GDA will again rise up to fill the gap. Maybe the next one won’t be as dumb as USSF.
I agree. My kid got good value from the ECNL. I recouped all of her club costs from U9 through U18 (U14-U18 ECNL) in her first year of college. GDA was never necessary once ECNL was created. Just another example of the hubris of US Soccer.
Good luck to everyone out there during this trying time.