Sanctuary Cities...

Luv how you ask a direct question and you get some roundabout response. Yes all non criminals should be able to come and prosper... provided they don't jump a wall to do so and follow the proper processes. Pretty simple. You seemed to be advocating an open immigration system.

Again a direct question... Are you for an open border down south?
Don't expect a straight forward reply
But he knows about politics because he gets paid by the government. He has a redundant job getting rid of redundancies. Truly hard to believe. He’s more redundant than anybody
You people are the ones that use just a few posts with no originality and husker is the worst, what would you expect from a union rube.
Youʻve been spooled.
You couldn't catch a cold . . . here's my idea of your attempt:
All I read was a lot of wing flapping. Believe me, I wish you had asked a substantive question that set me back on my toes.
As to who I advocating being allowed in... again, anyone who can help us pay our debt off. My motto is send me your poor, tired huddled masses to help pay off this nations deficits. Because if we're not going to look at raising taxes this is the only way I see to raise government revenue.

You got any better ideas?

Honk, honk... short bus is outside.
Another solid point bear bear... quoting the inscription from the Statue of Liberty makes me a retard. lol
These nutters remind me of the character Kevin Bacon played in Animal House, they need an authoritarian, a daddy figure to help them feel safe. These are not well adjusted, mature individuals we are dealing with in here.
If you need someone to draw your identity from you are certainly in need of help and are a follower. Cheating, stealing, lying, denigrating others in an attempt to bolster yourself aren't the American values I know.
These nutters remind me of the character Kevin Bacon played in Animal House, they need an authoritarian, a daddy figure to help them feel safe. These are not well adjusted, mature individuals we are dealing with in here.
If you need someone to draw your identity from you are certainly in need of help and are a follower. Cheating, stealing, lying, denigrating others in an attempt to bolster yourself aren't the American values I know.

Thank you sir - I'll have another.