Sanctuary Cities...

Remember you're reasoning above next time you bitch, moan and complain about gun control...since gun deaths are down.
One doesn't need a leg to stand on when conversing with you generally implode you argument by post an argument.
So, where are your numbers refuting my assessment? I thought my math was off? Nothing? Just throwing BS out with no backing like always? Hilarious!
So, where are your numbers refuting my assessment? I thought my math was off? Nothing? Just throwing BS out with no backing like always? Hilarious!
Where are you numbers supporting your "assessment"?
Nothing on the page I posted supports your post.
Just as I posted the paragraph and site, so should you.
Once again projecting what you do on a daily basis...pathetic - 'like always'.
Where are you numbers supporting your "assessment"?
Nothing on the page I posted supports your post.
Just as I posted the paragraph and site, so should you.
Once again projecting what you do on a daily basis...pathetic - 'like always'.
Go back to your link and look around you might figure it out Mr. Magoo . . . just watch out for any open man-hole covers!
At least you will be safe, I am gonna be in your state, time for another wall, socal northern border.
I'm not fond of the layout shown on that site. It should way more gerrymandered, just a small strip up the coast (with a few dips further in) maybe a mile or less inland as one state. Then the inlanders can chop up the rest.
I'm not fond of the layout shown on that site. It should way more gerrymandered, just a small strip up the coast (with a few dips further in) maybe a mile or less inland as one state. Then the inlanders can chop up the rest.
They need to chop it up by population, just to keep it on the up & up.
I am not saying they are, they ought to be though, 2 lines right through the middle, west to east.
It's funny cuz the wives friend from Texas was blown away when I was talking about all the diversity in this state. She had no idea there were any Trumpies here (she was a Cruz girl, but now Donald can do no wrong).
I like her. Is she hot? Single?
She is single, is very involved with Republican politics (she went to W's second inaugural and worked locally for the Cruz campaign) she is a lush and a pothead. Her pot dealer lives right above the local Republican headquarters . . . if you google the address and then zoom in on the satellite, his place is the one with the Trump banner in the window. Nice guy the wife tells me. The friends name is Jean call them and ask about her, you two can hook up.!1sc9LXmoTf1ohy8vMoBgqXZg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656