Sanctuary Cities...

What happens when you give 1 million illegal criminals driver licenses?

L.A. Vision Zero Turns Two: Disappointing Trends, Big Plans ...
Aug 24, 2017 - According to the Los Angeles Times, “in 2016, the first full year that Garcetti's Vision Zero policy was in effect in L.A., 260 people were killed in traffic crashes on city streets, an increase of almost 43 percent over the previous year” and, at least as of April 2017, traffic deaths were running 22 percent higher ...

Not sure, but none of my friends has complained of being hit by and uninsured motorist now that illegals can insure their cars.

Washington is a mess. And until they come up with a real plan to control the boarder and stop with the imaginary Mexico is going to pay to build a wall bloviations- I'm afraid States like California are going to have to continue to come up with working solutions.
When did accepting a government pay check for a job and instead spending most days online instead of working at the job you're paid to do- become service to one's country?
I was referring to his military service that rat felt was basically a free cruise.
It was, in a way.
The time he spends educating you people is probably in vain, agreed. "Most of the day"?, please.
Biz is a smart guy, he probably writes this shit faster than I do.
Not sure, but none of my friends has complained of being hit by and uninsured motorist now that illegals can insure their cars.

Washington is a mess. And until they come up with a real plan to control the boarder and stop with the imaginary Mexico is going to pay to build a wall bloviations- I'm afraid States like California are going to have to continue to come up with working solutions.
I was referring to his military service that rat felt was basically a free cruise.
It was, in a way.
The time he spends educating you people is probably in vain, agreed. "Most of the day"?, please.
Biz is a smart guy, he probably writes this shit faster than I do.

Look at his stats.... around 8000 posts in less then 2 years. That's 11 posts a day everyday for two years straight. But hey he writes faster then you so I'm sure we're only talking an taxpayers subsidizing his online time for an hour or two a day.

Again... before they issued driver licenses to illegal immigrants they couldn't get car insurance. Now they can and I like that... because for a long time uninsured motorists were a major problem, and now they're not.
Maybe once we get people into office who actually are capable of fixing problems, then we can figure out something better.
Look at his stats.... around 8000 posts in less then 2 years. That's 11 posts a day everyday for two years straight. But hey he writes faster then you so I'm sure we're only talking an taxpayers subsidizing his online time for an hour or two a day.
Even if you figure in an hour per day, thats seven hours a day longer than most gubment workers put in.
Look at his stats.... around 8000 posts in less then 2 years. That's 11 posts a day everyday for two years straight. But hey he writes faster then you so I'm sure we're only talking an taxpayers subsidizing his online time for an hour or two a day.
It doesnʻt take that long to type 11 one word responses. Like, “Hanapaa”
Again... before they issued driver licenses to illegal immigrants they couldn't get car insurance. Now they can and I like that... because for a long time uninsured motorists were a major problem, and now they're not.
Maybe once we get people into office who actually are capable of fixing problems, then we can figure out something better.
Can or will?
Even if you figure in an hour per day, thats seven hours a day longer than most gubment workers put in.

I've got to say... this past year my father passed and he spent a few weeks in the VA Hospital and the folks I saw there were some of the hardest workers I've ever seen.

Kind of a little bummed to hear you labeling them as lazy. Kinda bummed to see Bruddah online being lazy when he's works in a place where there is so much need. Also kinda of bummed to hear Trump has decided his personal MD should now be running the VA. Our veterans deserve better.
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Look at his stats.... around 8000 posts in less then 2 years. That's 11 posts a day everyday for two years straight. But hey he writes faster then you so I'm sure we're only talking an taxpayers subsidizing his online time for an hour or two a day.
I think Iz has a government paid assistant to do hiz posting for him so he can keep working.
Can or will?

Well I think if the Feds are able to come up with a plan that actually can control the boarders then the problems for States like California will solve themselves. But for now... with the whole we're going to have Mexico pay for the wall pipe dreams... all I can say is Trump better get his legal team ready to wrestle the California Grizzle Bear.

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Well I think if the Feds are able to come up with a plan that actually can control the boarders then the problems for States like California will solve themselves. But for now... with the whole we're going to have Mexico pay for the wall pipe dreams... all I can say is Trump better get his legal team ready to wrestle the California Grizzle Bear.

Did you really mean boarders? Pretty funny and true.
The Feds are at a disadvantage with Ca not cooperating.
They didn't tell me that the Life of PI like waters of Diego Garcia doesn't look like the busy Malacca Straits, nor that thousands of primitive tribesmen in mini log sailboats would cautiously surround and follow us in the The San Bernardino Straits in P.I. which doesn't look like the Sea Of Japan..... and what the hell were a pod of beluga's doing there!! The Mighty I.O., with tens of thousands Malolo erupting out of the water to ride our bow and wake waves, doesn't look like the Gulf of Oman. I imagine that the Caribbean, Atlantic and Mediterranean are different in all their splendor. They also didn't tell me what the waters of the Philippine Sea look like during a Typhoon when they beat the shit out an Aircraft Carrier! I might not have signed up had I known what I wasn't told. No wonder you were bored by your intelligence.

Is that a response recruiters were taught?

To be even more direct, the inside of the Enterprise looks pretty much the same no matter where it is.