
Where are those people who were protesting the lockdown? The ones armed to the teeth, dressed in fatigues and camo, the ones that stormed capital buildings? We need them now! They need to go help the police, they need to help protect businesses! All they gotta do is pose all tough like they did in the safety of state buildings and in the rough and tumble streets of Encinitas! Where are they?
They are in their own cities in their own states.
Why is it almost all liberal cities burning?
Hilarious. You really are not a fan of American history. Did you attend school or read books? Not your thing? Did your daddy teach you anything?

Instead of proving you're a toilet bowl rimscum licker, why don't you
show the point you are failing to bring up.....

Your Swiss cheese education is once again on full display for the forum...
Oh stepped on your own brothers flaming poop bag......
It's you " Messy " Financial......don't be so coy...just own it.
And lay off the Chicken and Potatoes....
Fat dumb slob with a gun. Gotta be you. Could be Ricky, though.
This is pretty funny, this prick was for rioting before he was against it.
Isn't that nice.