
Some of the laziest people I work with are magas.
I should rephrase that, all the lazy people I work with and have worked with are magas, and the hardest working are people who came from Mexico and are now Americans. That's just the way things are.
Just think what they say behind your back.
Different union now. In the ironworkers there are few lazy magas or not. Lazy gets you sent back to the union hall. Lazy = hungry in the ironworkers. The maga ironworkers are just angry all the time like you fellas in here.
You're fucking delusional....and a disgraceful lying buffoon... You really should shut the hell up...
Are you back all butthurt and whining again. You really are the most delicate of snowflakes. You being so slow, dumb and delicate is propably made for a tough go in life. Bravo on still breathing!
Why would a government that has the power to put down any armed insurrection succumb and bend a knee to mobs armed with bottles, bricks, and molotov cocktails?