Club Soccer is a choice that parents make (fact), Having SCDSL and CSL leagues is not a choice (politics & greed).
Now that schedules are up, my point is stronger than ever of combining both leagues. My U-little child at a flight 3 (errr. rec+) needs to travel from the OC to... Temecula, San Bernandino, Riverside, Temecula.
My flight 1 U16 child needs to travel only once to San Diego and all others are in the OC or Norco. (Makes sense)
How can we grow the sport when a new parent to club soccer gets a crazy schedule to take their flight 3 child all over the place.
It's just stupid that SCDSL & CSL make us parents (Customers) go through this crap. It's worse that us parents don't organize ourselves to write a letter to US Soccer, Calsouth, and each of our club organizations to stop this stupidity. We are the 5th or 6th viewed sport on TV yet the pride of these idiot organizers make it harder for the sport to grow.
I love the sport, I hate the politics and greed of CSL/SCDSL!