Different "protect the keeper" issue: Do any of you have a problem with a parent from the other team heckling and insulting your keeper? My son's team plays at a high level and he's gotten enough formal and informal recognition for his GK play that he's reasonably self-confident, but he's still just a kid in middle school and he notices it. He never fails to mention when parents from the other team station themselves near the goal and levy insults against him. It's not just an occasional parent or team either. It's as if some parents see that as a strategy to help their team win - trying to rattle the other team's GK. They're not complaining that he's committing a foul or something like that - they're actually shouting at him telling him that he sucks etc (usually in the context of a game where the exact opposite is true - he's shutting down the opponent). Typically, the parents aren't behind the goal, so the refs either don't notice it or don't care. They tend to station themselves near the corner flag. Most of the time, I'm across the field because the parents sit on opposite sides in our league for the most part, but I don't think a confrontation would be very useful anyway. I just tell my kid to ignore it, but it's really crazy what they're doing.