You certainly are trying all you can to excuse the attempted coup.No, it isn’t. You’ve seen the Biden extortion video, too. This twitwit video was to remind you that the skank was all for rioting in Kenosha.
You’re hypocrites. Rioting only offends you when it doesn’t suit your cause.
You certainly are trying all you can to excuse the attempted coup.
Ok? Show me where I said that?Who excused it? Only liberals excused it until the behavior pissed on the party of their dumbass sheep herder. How come you’ve been okay with burning, looting and killing until now?
The other half are trumpists? Maybe ya all can start carrying fire extinguishers as reminders to police you mean business.Nice to see half the women’s team standing. The other half think it’s okay to be a criminal and assault police officers.
Ok? Show me where I said that?
The other half are trumpists? Maybe ya all can start carrying fire extinguishers as reminders to police you mean business.
So nothing?You and your liberal buddies spent the last year turning your other cheek. Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Minnesota.
Tell that to the dead DC officers family and the other cops that were beaten by magas.Only liberals approve of being violent towards police and defunding them. Only liberals encourage illegal aliens to cross our borders and want border patrol and ICE abolished. Only liberals want incarcerated criminals out on the street. Only liberals want to spend more hard earned tax dollars to coddle street bums that don’t want to change. Only liberals will kneel because they aren’t versed on the actual, statistical truths.
Are you done crying yet?
Not at all. I'm rejoicing in the Lord this morning. Singing songs, praying for peace and sharing with new freinds about what is really going on, MOO!!!! Like I said forever, I was born for this moment in time where very soon, you won;t need to care about time or death. Now ain't that cool?Are you done crying yet?
Patriots already won on 11/3, again on 1/6 and it will be a rout today.
You left out trumps war on America.
And lots of Kleenex for crybabies like you.
The ones who have been sniveling are guys like you. Tighten your bra straps yet?And lots of Kleenex for crybabies like you.