There is no reason for anyone to think that I am a "horrible horrible person" (Grammarly is suggesting a comma in there, but it's a quote).
There is no reason for anyone to think that I am a "horrible horrible person" (Grammarly is suggesting a comma in there, but it's a quote).
This was your idea of gracious?
I may be Mr. Magoo, but I see through you yeah.
(Stupid fool, old Magoo)
You got a way to suck me in
And then you spit me out again
I try to take it on the chin
But I bump into everything
You know the way to keep me blind
Diggin that silly old grin of mine
Clearly I’m missing some prior context. My comments were in the vein of the recent thread, on both sides.
No you aren’t but I wish you better fortune than he had
btw among the lefty liberal types Davy Crockett has gotten a reputation for not being a good guy and basically participating in the taking of Mexico from Latinos. I personally think Davy is great (my older bro went through a frontier phase as a child) but for someone who does not want to be portrayed as a racist it’s not the best thing to hang your hat on
yeah you have to go back months
again, I never attack. I only respond. Id be happy to add that to my side of the list if you accept terms I outlined.
Shit like this is what we’re talking about Magoo.See how helpful I am being to you, graciously filling in gaps in your knowledge?
That's not an attack? And nonsense, to boot.
In all fairness, this argument does sound like the same conversation about a certain reply to a hit and run personal story and requests for apologies.
In the last instance we were able to move on.
Can we do the same here in reverse?... I would, ‘off topic’ ain’t that high on my priority list. FYI, I appreciate both of your contributions on the board, above the fold.
Shit like this is what we’re talking about Magoo.
And you made no comment about my corrections to your misunderstandings of the basis of the Texas Rebellion.
a. It wasn’t my understanding of the Texas rebellion. I was pointing out lefties (of which i am not) think of him as being a racist. So if you were trying to avoid pointing yourself as a racist maybe that’s not the moniker you want to go with
b. I just got through with my elder helping him with the Texas rebellion. History is one of my things. There are few gaps in my knowledge
C. Much like Magoo you always have no clue what’s going on around you. Need to get those glasses Magoo
Maybe you could get your elder to help you with the phrasing of your first sentence.
technically it’s a counter attack oh wizzard of Crockett. In other words a response.
and if you don’t know cobra Kai at least you should know rashomon....particularly if you are a fan of history
you so are your caricature. I can’t take full credit on it though. Someone else here mentioned it once. Can’t remember who
Rashomon is also fictional.
I thought it might be, then I checked to make sure I was right before I went ahead and posted that.
“Oh dear oh me oh’ve outdone yourself this time Magoo!”
That's much worse. You didn't even try.
FEAR bro is what's playing out in America. We all have been played. Either or is not the way to go. This is not about black vs white, R vs D ((I see now how many of them are the same and always have been). It's not about capitalism or communism. Fear & insecurities is the root cause of all this, plus being brainwashed and I would gather to say that most of the higher ups have been compromised or some like to say, blackmailed in one way or another. Blackmail at the highest level is insane!!! Things will be getting dark and gnarlier. Dont believe all the fear of nukes. Love is the answer, the lightDefending the Impeached Peach of Shit from an assertion that he lacks human qualities says a lot Grace Karen. It looks like you’re really getting to her @Hüsker Dü.
Brace yourselves everybody, ‘cuz Grace Karen the Apologist is about to go through the roof today over impeachment. I don’t know someone rationalizes being wrong with such frequency. Wanna give us some insight @crush?