No, you're not or you wouldn't be asking that question. Are you going to start behaving like a decent human being?
What have I done that is not decent?
No, you're not or you wouldn't be asking that question. Are you going to start behaving like a decent human being?
EOTL’s version of ‘basket of deplorables’.
Painting opposing views or policies as solely MAGAT or Trumpers...aka deplorables didn’t work out so well last time.
The victorious side (on the presidential election, at least) should turn down the rhetoric and political bigotry. Both for their own prosperity and that of the country.
The political hand grande that was the Trump candidacy in 2016 wouldn’t have been possible without such sentiments in the past.
Bi-partisanship, haven’t heard much of that in the last 12+ year
What have I done that is not decent?
Not seeing a lot of remorse from any of the magats who are asking for unity. Just gimme gimme gimme.
Nope. Not until magats repent and agree to serve up their Bronze Baboon for justice. If you want unity what are you going to do to achieve it? It better be best. Bigly.
Thank you...funniest thing I heard all day long
You are clueless Magoo.
So far you have nothing. You are off to a flying stop.
Flying stop? I thought that's what you normally do with your cute little yellow car. I love your theme song by the way. Did you ever think growing up you'd actually have one? Accomplishment to be proud of indeed.
You can post all the Magoo cartoons you wish. None of that will excuse your behavior.
I deal fairly with plenty of folks. I believe in treating people decently and have tolerated you despite your trolling me for a long time because you occassionally make a decent point. I never attack first. When I'm wrong, I'm the first to say so. But I also believe at a certain point in giving as good as I get and my siblings and I (all black belts mind you) have never walked away from a fight.
But you sir are an ass, showing a profound lack of respect for not only myself or others. You know you are a troll. You know what you are doing. You don't engage in honest debate, but just throw around insults such as your "coocoo" and belittle people. So I choose to believe you are a harmless old fool that can't comprehend things and is just lost. Because the alternative is just worse: that you are a jackass and a psychopath that likes behaving that way (yeah, I'm looking at you EOTL or whatever your other nontroll account name is....wink wink).
As an aside, it still shocks me so many of you on the left think it's o.k. to behave this way. I could even have a decent dialogue with the outlaw, who showed me courtesy from time to time. Only Sheriff Joe on the right was as bad as you guys. My pet theory is that there must be some screw lose or something that makes you all behave that way.
Would you two just kiss and make up?
I deal fairly with plenty of folks. I believe in treating people decently and have tolerated you despite your trolling me for a long time because you occassionally make a decent point. I never attack first. When I'm wrong, I'm the first to say so. But I also believe at a certain point in giving as good as I get and my siblings and I (all black belts mind you) have never walked away from a fight.
But you sir are an ass, showing a profound lack of respect for not only myself or others. You know you are a troll. You know what you are doing. You don't engage in honest debate, but just throw around insults such as your "coocoo" and belittle people. So I choose to believe you are a harmless old fool that can't comprehend things and is just lost. Because the alternative is just worse: that you are a jackass and a psychopath that likes behaving that way (yeah, I'm looking at you EOTL or whatever your other nontroll account name is....wink wink).
As an aside, it still shocks me so many of you on the left think it's o.k. to behave this way. I could even have a decent dialogue with the outlaw, who showed me courtesy from time to time. Only Sheriff Joe on the right was as bad as you guys. My pet theory is that there must be some screw lose or something that makes you all behave that way.
The only thing you got right about me is that I am old.
I already cautioned you about digging a deeper hole. It appears that you just can't help yourself.
Would love too. People like dad are honorable and we were able to hit a detente. I'm willing to meet anyone half way. Doubt we can say the same for Magoo. Have offered him numerous off ramps at various times.
The ball is in your court. Just admit your error and apologize.
Would you two just kiss and make up?
Told you. Happy to as long as you agree to apologize and behave decently going forward without all the insults.
Seriously... I had to go back about 7 pages to figure out what this was about.
A comment about a BLM-antifa event with an arrest of an individual who was both unlawful then as he was at the capital.
Can we just agree he’s an accused criminal and move on?
Grace apparently poked fun at the ‘he was BLM’ comment with a ‘that’s racist’ retort to implying BLM is more criminal in behavior than antifa. Downward spiral to here.
espola references posts as ‘coocoo’ or ‘nonsense’, neither of which are ‘not descent’ behavior... dismissive, yes.