President Joe Biden

Neither occurred, the country is divided, and he will leave as the worst president ever.
Personally, I'd give it to Carter for Stagflation and the Ayatollah to name a few, but Trump's inciting insurrection certainly qualifies for worst behavior.

I could give Carter best post president.
I agree with the principles of this, but as private companies they can restrict what they want basically.

Put it this way, the US government telling US private companies what they can and cannot do, would also be akin to China telling companies there what they can and cannot do. That's the other side of that coin so to speak.

Private companies restricting content is not a 1st amendment issue. You or I don't have the right to post whatever we want here, for example. We have the right to post whatever Dominic is prepared to tolerate. If he decides to ban either of us, he's not restricting our 1st amendment rights. Twitter, Facebook etc. are just mega scales larger.

There's a much wider ripple effect starting to show. Companies are pulling back on donations, Hallmark are even asking for money back. Halsey's book not be published (nobody has the right to have their book published, so again not a 1st amendment right as he's said and as he knows, but hey, stir that pot). The real estate company selling/leasing T'd Washington property have pulled. The PGA pulled their tournament. Parler suddenly finding that nobody wants them - those companies are basically deciding the commercials are not there. Or how about Cumulus Media who broadcast the right wing talk shows telling them what to say, have they previously :rolleyes:, where's the outrage about that?

It is concerning that the Tech companies have this amount of "power" though. But then again, we gave it to them and we ensure they retain it by continuing to use their services.

Understanding is an important step. Unfortunately, most of the Grace Karen Snowflake crowd here will continue to whine that the exercise of the 1st Amendment, free will and the free market “aren’t fair” when people use them in ways they don’t like. It is strange, but thoroughly enjoyable, that the people whining so much today all spent most of their lives proclaiming how awful government regulations are and how bigoty cake makers should be able to refuse service to anyone they want are now so upset about what they held so dearly. Instead, it turns out all of that was pretense. All they ever really believed was “gimme gimme gimme what I want, even if that means authoritarian government”.
So much fun watching magats cry when they learn they’ve been put on the do not fly list because they’re domestic terrorists. How long until it sinks in that the federal government is only getting started with them? Do you think Don the Dung Pile has any clue what’s in store for him?
Personally, I'd give it to Carter for Stagflation and the Ayatollah to name a few, but Trump's inciting insurrection certainly qualifies for worst behavior.

I could give Carter best post president.

Wilson not only was a racist, he actively encouraged racism in the federal government and his endorsement of "Birth of a Nation" was instrumental in the second revival of the Klan.

Buchanan fiddled while the nation drifted into civil war.

Then there's Andrew Jackson who practically committed genocide against the Native Americans.

Trump's certainly up there though. Biden has the potential to be Lincoln (though so far he's talking a big unity, but little when it comes to curbing the excesses of his own party) through (quite literally) Buchanan.
Wilson not only was a racist, he actively encouraged racism in the federal government and his endorsement of "Birth of a Nation" was instrumental in the second revival of the Klan.

Buchanan fiddled while the nation drifted into civil war.

Then there's Andrew Jackson who practically committed genocide against the Native Americans.

Trump's certainly up there though. Biden has the potential to be Lincoln (though so far he's talking a big unity, but little when it comes to curbing the excesses of his own party) through (quite literally) Buchanan.
The R's, or enough of them, have to want unity also. They have shown nothing in the last 12 years to suggest they are interested in that. Biden can go down that road, and needs to keep his disparate party together, for sure - and that won't be easy. But he can't do that if the R's behave like they have during every D presidency since the 90s.

Neither party is blameless. Both need to want some semblance of unity. Biden's 47 years, or whatever, in politics and given that he is a centrist are probably the two biggest things he has going for him. The country needs stability IMV.
Wilson not only was a racist, he actively encouraged racism in the federal government and his endorsement of "Birth of a Nation" was instrumental in the second revival of the Klan.

Buchanan fiddled while the nation drifted into civil war.

Then there's Andrew Jackson who practically committed genocide against the Native Americans.

Trump's certainly up there though. Biden has the potential to be Lincoln (though so far he's talking a big unity, but little when it comes to curbing the excesses of his own party) through (quite literally) Buchanan.

I think you forgot to blame Bill Clinton for Wednesday’s insurrection. Or when you said Biden should be talking about his party’s excesses were you referring to Bill getting a BJ? I mean, I know how that’s an impeachable offense, while attempting to overthrow democracy and inciting an insurrection is not.
Wilson not only was a racist, he actively encouraged racism in the federal government and his endorsement of "Birth of a Nation" was instrumental in the second revival of the Klan.

Buchanan fiddled while the nation drifted into civil war
Then there's Andrew Jackson who practically committed genocide against the Native Americans.

Trump's certainly up there though. Biden has the potential to be Lincoln (though so far he's talking a big unity, but little when it comes to curbing the excesses of his own party) through (quite literally) Buchanan.
Thanks. I'm not that educated, I guess I was thinking in my lifetime, although I don't remember Lyndon B.
The R's, or enough of them, have to want unity also. They have shown nothing in the last 12 years to suggest they are interested in that. Biden can go down that road, and needs to keep his disparate party together, for sure - and that won't be easy. But he can't do that if the R's behave like they have during every D presidency since the 90s.

Neither party is blameless. Both need to want some semblance of unity. Biden's 47 years, or whatever, in politics and given that he is a centrist are probably the two biggest things he has going for him. The country needs stability IMV.

When the ‘publicans vote to boot each and every insurrectionist out of Congress, we can talk. Until then, every single one of them gets to pay, except maybe that Romney fellow.
I was today years old when I learned Pelosi was 80! Wow.

Did anyone else see that video of the Rep from Oregon opening (what seemed to be some side door,) and letting protestors file right in? It appears he was leaving, but literally- just let them right in.

I'd love to hear thoughts on that.
Understanding is an important step. Unfortunately, most of the Grace Karen Snowflake crowd here will continue to whine that the exercise of the 1st Amendment, free will and the free market “aren’t fair” when people use them in ways they don’t like. It is strange, but thoroughly enjoyable, that the people whining so much today all spent most of their lives proclaiming how awful government regulations are and how bigoty cake makers should be able to refuse service to anyone they want are now so upset about what they held so dearly. Instead, it turns out all of that was pretense. All they ever really believed was “gimme gimme gimme what I want, even if that means authoritarian government”.
Yes, there is certainly an irony in R's wanting to restrict free enterprise and the market deciding what it wants to do because free enterprise and the market has decided they don't like what some R's are peddling.
The R's, or enough of them, have to want unity also. They have shown nothing in the last 12 years to suggest they are interested in that. Biden can go down that road, and needs to keep his disparate party together, for sure - and that won't be easy. But he can't do that if the R's behave like they have during every D presidency since the 90s.

Neither party is blameless. Both need to want some semblance of unity. Biden's 47 years, or whatever, in politics and given that he is a centrist are probably the two biggest things he has going for him. The country needs stability IMV.

the problem with many of the lefts vision for unity (not saying it’s you necessarily) is that it often involves the rs having to give up disagreeing with the left. Obama did a lot of that which soured me on him. To their credit most of the rs opposed the election objections (Mitch’s speech was a masterpiece). Almost all of them have uniformly condemned the capitol violence. The left has yet to condemn Antifa, has in the last several days engaged in overreach, and has yet to condemn bad behavior in its own caucus (ranging from the Pelosi mask incident, kamalas office helping bail out Antifa rioters, Maxine waters inciting). I agree however both sides are awful.
the problem with many of the lefts vision for unity (not saying it’s you necessarily) is that it often involves the rs having to give up disagreeing with the left. Obama did a lot of that which soured me on him. To their credit most of the rs opposed the election objections (Mitch’s speech was a masterpiece). Almost all of them have uniformly condemned the capitol violence. The left has yet to condemn Antifa, has in the last several days engaged in overreach, and has yet to condemn bad behavior in its own caucus (ranging from the Pelosi mask incident, kamalas office helping bail out Antifa rioters, Maxine waters inciting). I agree however both sides are awful.

Whataboutism. ‘publicans are no heroes for spending four years supporting the movement that led to an insurrection, when only one of them in all of Congress opposed any of the behavior that caused this to happen. With the exception of Mitt, there is not a single ‘publican who did not collaborate in the insurrection right up until it happened. Even now, ‘publicans are refusing to take any responsibility for anything that led to this and are, in fact, are blaming democrats for an attempted coup by them.
the problem with many of the lefts vision for unity (not saying it’s you necessarily) is that it often involves the rs having to give up disagreeing with the left. Obama did a lot of that which soured me on him. To their credit most of the rs opposed the election objections (Mitch’s speech was a masterpiece). Almost all of them have uniformly condemned the capitol violence. The left has yet to condemn Antifa, has in the last several days engaged in overreach, and has yet to condemn bad behavior in its own caucus (ranging from the Pelosi mask incident, kamalas office helping bail out Antifa rioters, Maxine waters inciting). I agree however both sides are awful.

I would say the opposite is true as well, R's want D's to give up disagreeing as well. So much hypocrisy on both sides. Again, wish people focused on spotting the grifters, which is about 90% of all the politicians.

Mitch's speech was good....bit of a stretch in calling it a masterpiece.
Any chance we can keep this topic extremely active for the foreseeable future? It seems to be keeping EOTL in the right section... ‘off-topic’.

In my defense, I did manage to run the hard core racists and covid denialists off, as well as @crush. If folks are going to talk civilly about soccer stuff in a soccer forum, I feel like my work here is mostly done. Wouldn’t you agree?
In my defense, I did manage to run the hard core racists and covid denialists off, as well as @crush. If folks are going to talk civilly about soccer stuff in a soccer forum, I feel like my work here is mostly done. Wouldn’t you agree?
I love you bro and forgive you. Let's drop all the dualistic BS that ALL of us have been playing. I wanted to share with you before the internet is blacked out and I believe, destroyed. The dude who built it is ashamed at what it's become so he's been making a new one :) This week is going to be insane and amazing all in one. You are about to witness a miracle bro. My advice to you and those who believe like you. Put silly disputes aside and put the children first. If you do that, it will go well for you. We have to protect the children and we messed that up as a country and the world. With the invention of film, internet and smart phones and smart this and that, were all traced and EVERYTHING is recorded. btw, I can't go back and forth today with you. I will be back to chat tomorrow morning if we still have internet :)