
Back in the day, rat would have picked up on this one.
Now I gotta be the straight man, and the funny guy.

When I come home from a long day of busting rods I'm tired and on days when there are pages of new posts to go through I admittedly speed read my way through . . . of course having those that only attack other posters on ignore some of the pages aren't as long, which is a good thing. See ya later, I gotta go Build America!
Why do these outside agitators only show up when a conservative wants to speak?
Why dont they beat people and break things when leftist speakers show up?

It's extreme leftists doing the violence, would be my guess. Point remains, it wasn't hippy Berkeley students doing the violence and destruction.
I didn't realize this, but according to Harvard 51% of American's age 18 to 29 no longer support capitalism. Probably because they see the debt their and future generations will be left with? But anyway, Nancy Pelosi was asked about this and I thought she had an interesting answer, and I agree with her...

Link to Huffpost article:
That was freaking hilarious! "... Not just democrats, not just leftist..... ". Proud parent and NYU moment.
That was freaking hilarious! "... Not just democrats, not just leftist..... ". Proud parent and NYU moment.

So once again you've got nothing to say other then to attack the messenger?
Yawn... sorry bubba, but putting you on ignore for a while. Your one note response slow things down to much to bother to read anymore.
So once again you've got nothing to say other then to attack the messenger?
Yawn... sorry bubba, but putting you on ignore for a while. Your one note response slow things down to much to bother to read anymore.
I guess when you are out of your league it's time to scoot, you may be in over your head in this soccer forum. You might consider running for a spot in the Ca legislature.
They should replace Dodd-Frank with the original Glass-Stegall, updated where needed for current conditions.

There is plenty in DF worth keeping. Yea, take a look at it and modify it, but to discuss throwing it out entirely and the DOL rule as well...

Just more of that "looking out for the common man" and "draining the swamp".
It Looks Like Congressional Black Caucus Doesn’t Want to Dilute its Racial Purity
Congressman Adriano Espaillat was elected to represent the New York district formerly represented by tax cheat Charles Rangel. Espaillat describes himself as a “Latino of African descent” but the Congressional Black Caucus isn’t sure he’s black enough to join.

Rep. Adriano Espaillat wants to join the Congressional Black Caucus. The question for the group’s members is whether he qualifies as African-American.

So far, the answer is no.

Espaillat, who in November became the first Dominican-American elected to Congress, identifies himself as a “Latino of African descent.” The CBC has a long-standing policy of limiting its caucus to African-American members, denying membership to white lawmakers in the past who have tried to join, even if they represent majority-minority districts.

The New York Democrat hasn’t formally asked to join but has been in discussions with CBC leadership. Espaillat has already joined the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

It’s often said that the only standards the left has are double standards. It’s often said because it’s true. Racial discrimination on the left is allowed and encouraged.