The 5 Counties with the Highest Median Household Income All Reside in the D.C. Area
The wealth is tainted by corruption, politics, and freeloaders.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
I periodically will make use of “
most depressing” in the title of a column when sharing bad news.
new data from the Census Bureau definitely qualifies as bad news. It confirms
what I’ve written about how the Washington region has
become the richest part of America.
But the DC area didn’t become wealthy by producing value. Instead, it’s rolling in money because of
overpaid bureaucrats,
fat-cat lobbyists,
sleazy politicians,
beltway-bandit contractors, and other grifters who have figured out how to hitch a ride on the federal gravy train.
Anyhow, here’s a tweet with the bad news (at least if you’re a serf elsewhere in America who is paying taxes to
keep Washington fat and happy).

U.S. Census Bureau
Highest counties by median household income (2013-2017):
-Loudoun County, Va.
-Fairfax County, Va.
-Howard County, Md.
-Falls Church City, Va.
-Arlington County, Va. #ACSdata
Most of my friends who work for the federal government privately will admit they are very fortunate.
But when I run into someone who denies that bureaucrats get above-market compensation, I simply
share this data from the Labor Department. That usually shuts them up.