Sheriff Joe
You are probably right, how does it feel?You have anything on Trumps tweets? He’s sooooooo scared right now.. You will be feeling stupid soon.
You are probably right, how does it feel?You have anything on Trumps tweets? He’s sooooooo scared right now.. You will be feeling stupid soon.
At the very least he prevented Clinton spreading her snail trail throughout the white house and put a bunch of judges in place, including 2 supremes.Trump's base mindset/cult and the Dunning-Kruger effect
In the past, some prominent psychologists have explained President Donald Trump’s unwavering support by alluding to a well-established psychological phenomenon known as the “Dunning-Kruger effect.” The effect is a type of cognitive bias, where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they don’t have enough knowledge to know they don’t have enough knowledge. Or, stated more harshly, they are “too dumb to know they are dumb.” This simple but loopy concept has been demonstrated dozens of times in well-controlled psychology studies and in a variety of contexts. However, until now, the effect had not been studied in one of the most obvious and important realms—political knowledge.
A new study published in the journal Political Psychology, carried out by the political scientist Ian Anson at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, not only found that the Dunning-Kruger effect applies to politics, it also appears to be exacerbated when partisan identities are made more salient. In other words, those who score low on political knowledge tend to overestimate their expertise even more when greater emphasis is placed on political affiliation.
While the results of Anson’s study suggest that being uninformed leads to overconfidence across the political spectrum, studies have shown that Democrats now tend to be generally more educated than Republicans, making the latter more vulnerable to the Dunning-Kruger effect. In fact, a Pew Research Center poll released in March of this year found that 54 percent of college graduates identified as Democrats or leaned Democratic, compared to 39 percent who identified or leaned Republican.
Perhaps this helps explain why Trump supporters seem to be so easily tricked into believing obvious falsehoods when their leader delivers his “alternative facts” sprinkled with language designed to activate partisan identities. Because they lack knowledge but are confident that they do not, they are less likely than others to actually fact-check the claims that the President makes.
I’ll know when you start saying the Muller investigation is a conspiracyYou are probably right, how does it feel?
I don't even need to say that, just look at the fact HRC wasn't questioned under oath and that there was no grand jury.I’ll know when you start saying the Muller investigation is a conspiracy
I don't even need to say that, just look at the fact HRC wasn't questioned under oath and that there was no grand jury.
Blah blah blah. Here we go. It’s time to start backpedalingI don't even need to say that, just look at the fact HRC wasn't questioned under oath and that there was no grand jury.
I don’t know. Do you ?
Blah blah blah. Here we go. It’s time to start backpedaling
Trump's base mindset/cult and the Dunning-Kruger effect
In the past, some prominent psychologists have explained President Donald Trump’s unwavering support by alluding to a well-established psychological phenomenon known as the “Dunning-Kruger effect.” The effect is a type of cognitive bias, where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they don’t have enough knowledge to know they don’t have enough knowledge. Or, stated more harshly, they are “too dumb to know they are dumb.” This simple but loopy concept has been demonstrated dozens of times in well-controlled psychology studies and in a variety of contexts. However, until now, the effect had not been studied in one of the most obvious and important realms—political knowledge.
A new study published in the journal Political Psychology, carried out by the political scientist Ian Anson at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, not only found that the Dunning-Kruger effect applies to politics, it also appears to be exacerbated when partisan identities are made more salient. In other words, those who score low on political knowledge tend to overestimate their expertise even more when greater emphasis is placed on political affiliation.
While the results of Anson’s study suggest that being uninformed leads to overconfidence across the political spectrum, studies have shown that Democrats now tend to be generally more educated than Republicans, making the latter more vulnerable to the Dunning-Kruger effect. In fact, a Pew Research Center poll released in March of this year found that 54 percent of college graduates identified as Democrats or leaned Democratic, compared to 39 percent who identified or leaned Republican.
Perhaps this helps explain why Trump supporters seem to be so easily tricked into believing obvious falsehoods when their leader delivers his “alternative facts” sprinkled with language designed to activate partisan identities. Because they lack knowledge but are confident that they do not, they are less likely than others to actually fact-check the claims that the President makes.
Federal judge: Hillary e-mail dodge “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency”HDS.
Federal judge: Hillary e-mail dodge “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency”
Ed Morrissey Dec 07, 2018 10:41 AM
“At worst, career employees in the State and Justice Departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton
Which one are you?
Federal judge: Hillary e-mail dodge “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency”
Ed Morrissey Dec 07, 2018 10:41 AM
“At worst, career employees in the State and Justice Departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton
Without HRC, Mueller is "Not news"Was that statement part of a ruling against HRC?
Not news. News is Chief of Staff Kelly and Mueller. That's news.
He sure lost his way over the last decade or 2.I wrote in McCain.
Did HRC wipe her server? She is funny... maybe she can host the Oscars now that Kevin Hart has neen deemed unworthy.HDS.