
I have triple a.
I’m a couple days late on my DL renual and I wanted to get the new ID.
I don’t think I can do that through triple a
You can only renew your tags I believe.
I was in and out of the DMV in 15 minutes for my license renewal with picture, with an appointment.
Enjoy your time in the 3rd world.
How's your hair?
A Liberal's Demise....

A Drunk Rodent crossed the road....
Thinking he had to drop a load..
He stopped in the middle..
Proceeded to piddle...
While tasking a dump....
He was hit in the rump...
The Rodent turned too late...
Now he's flat as a plate..
The Drunk Rodent is now Crow poop...
Shoulda looked before he decided to stoop....
You can only renew your tags I believe.
I was in and out of the DMV in 15 minutes for my license renewal with picture, with an appointment.
Enjoy your time in the 3rd world.
How's your hair?
It took me about 2 and a half hours but I just had to go when I was free, and I never know when that will be.
The hair is fantastic, thanks for asking.
I thought maybe there was some thinning, but I was wrong.
Couple weeks ago I felt the brush run through a little too easily. I didnt say anything because I didnt want to cause a panic.
Turns out it was a false alarm.
I’m sitting at the DMV waiting to get my picture taken.
My number is G-116 and they’re at G-062 right now.
I wonder how many illegals on that list.

It’s too late, we’re already here and we breed like cockroaches, you’ll never get rid of us. We’re going to be in your dreams. You all f’d up, you should had more kids.

Actually, you f’d up a long time ago, you should picked your own cotton, built you own railroads, and picked your own fruits and vegetables, then you wouldn’t have a problem. BUT your too f’n lazy and now you cry, bitch and whine like little pussies.

Demanding 5 star service at a 3 star price, pathetic.
It’s too late, we’re already here and we breed like cockroaches, you’ll never get rid of us. We’re going to be in your dreams. You all f’d up, you should had more kids.

Actually, you f’d up a long time ago, you should picked your own cotton, built you own railroads, and picked your own fruits and vegetables, then you wouldn’t have a problem. BUT your too f’n lazy and now you cry, bitch and whine like little pussies.

Demanding 5 star service at a 3 star price, pathetic.
You're an illegal alien?
Why would you bad mouth the country you escaped to?

btw, you really let the cat out the bag.
No borders makes us soft.

“No borders” just made California the richest state in the Union. Richer than the entire South combined. And how long have we had illegal immigration, over 100 years? Based on your math we shoulda been bankrupt a long time ago. Dumb asses.

Oh let’s see, who are the next richest states? New York, Texas, Florida, Illinois. Hmm, what do they all have in common? Scoreboard bitches!!
“No borders” just made California the richest state in the Union. Richer than the entire South combined. And how long have we had illegal immigration, over 100 years? Based on your math we shoulda been bankrupt a long time ago. Dumb asses.

Oh let’s see, who are the next richest states? New York, Texas, Florida, Illinois. Hmm, what do they all have in common? Scoreboard bitches!!
Rome didnt fall in a year.
The trend I see is two classes rising and one class shrinking
Rome didnt fall in a year.

If California sucks, imagine the rest of the country. California is to the United States what the United States is to the world, we’re the best at everything. The most diversified portfolio in the world: space, tourism, Hollywood, agriculture, clean energy, technology.

And an endless supply of cheap labor. We let the rainmakers make rain and let them delegate the menial stuff to the immigrants, that’s how it works brotha and why we’re number one.
If California sucks, imagine the rest of the country. California is to the United States what the United States is to the world, we’re the best at everything. The most diversified portfolio in the world: space, tourism, Hollywood, agriculture, clean energy, technology.

And an endless supply of cheap labor. We let the rainmakers make rain and let them delegate the menial stuff to the immigrants, that’s how it works brotha and why we’re number one.
I thought you were an illegal alien.
If California sucks, imagine the rest of the country. California is to the United States what the United States is to the world, we’re the best at everything. The most diversified portfolio in the world: space, tourism, Hollywood, agriculture, clean energy, technology.

And an endless supply of cheap labor. We let the rainmakers make rain and let them delegate the menial stuff to the immigrants, that’s how it works brotha and why we’re number one.

LA Times January 2018
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?

Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor. That's according to the Census Bureau's Supplemental Poverty Measure, which factors in the cost of housing, food, utilities and clothing, and which includes noncash government assistance as a form of income.


California Leads the Nation in Poverty
Posted on June 23, 2018 by Dennis SILVERMAN
California Leads the Nation in Poverty

Again, I am not a poverty expert, nor a social worker, or a social ecology professor. I just looked up some US Census data......
I checked out the Census Bureau Supplemental Poverty Measure to find that, indeed, California has the highest percentage in poverty than any other state, of 20%, or 1 in 5.

LA Times January 2018
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?

Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor. That's according to the Census Bureau's Supplemental Poverty Measure, which factors in the cost of housing, food, utilities and clothing, and which includes noncash government assistance as a form of income.

California Leads the Nation in Poverty

Posted on June 23, 2018 by Dennis SILVERMAN
California Leads the Nation in Poverty

Again, I am not a poverty expert, nor a social worker, or a social ecology professor. I just looked up some US Census data......
I checked out the Census Bureau Supplemental Poverty Measure to find that, indeed, California has the highest percentage in poverty than any other state, of 20%, or 1 in 5.

The state I was born and raised in is becoming a two class system.
(What nearby country has almost zero middle class?)