
Let’s close with some good news on gun from overseas. It seems that there’s been an effort in Switzerland to discourage members of the militia from keeping guns at home. The only problem is that Swiss men don’t seem to share the anti-gun sentiments of “trade unions, churches, pacifists and centre-left parties.” Here’s some background.

All able-bodied Swiss men must do military service and have the option of keeping their army rifle at home. …Anti-gun campaigners have tried – and failed – on several occasions to ban military weapons from Swiss households. In 2011, Swiss voters rejected a controversial initiative on restricting access to firearms.

But a policy was implemented allowing men to store their guns outside their homes.

…since the beginning of 2010, members of the Swiss army have the option of storing their rifles, pistols and other weapons free of charge at arsenals or military barracks when they are not doing their military service.

So how many Swiss households took advantage of this opportunity?

As of the end of June 2016, only 789 army guns out of a total of 170,000 in circulation (0.5%) had been handed in to special military arsenals.

In other words, 99.5 percent of the militia did the equivalent of “voting with their feet” and chose to keep their weapons at home.

Now you can see why I call Switzerland the world’s most sensible nation.

I guess you never know, did you think Obama was/is possibly mentally ill?
Obama showed non of the traits that our current President is in regards in his inability to understand the importance of his words. The last 48 hour ad lib fiesta, was shocking. It is now manifesting itself with regards to his comments on foreign leaders. Today, he announced we need a good government shutdown. I believe the stress may be getting to him and he needs to go spend a month or so in Florida in the special wing of his clubhouse.
Obama showed non of the traits that our current President is in regards in his inability to understand the importance of his words. The last 48 hour ad lib fiesta, was shocking. It is now manifesting itself with regards to his comments on foreign leaders. Today, he announced we need a good government shutdown. I believe the stress may be getting to him and he needs to go spend a month or so in Florida in the special wing of his clubhouse.
Maybe, at least you know what he is thinking, unlike other politicians.
It may just be our current President is mentally ill. Legitimately ill and unable to serve.
Or it may just be that the Democrats are trying to clean up their image prior to 2020 and now is the time to pull out all the stops..........that lost the election for them in the first place.
Or it may just be that the Democrats are trying to clean up their image prior to 2020 and now is the time to pull out all the stops..........that lost the election for them in the first place.
This has nothing to do with the Dems. They have their own issues. I agree that most races are negative races where the majority of populace is voting against someone not for someone but this is a situation now, not for 2020.
This has nothing to do with the Dems. They have their own issues. I agree that most races are negative races where the majority of populace is voting against someone not for someone but this is a situation now, not for 2020.
You can tell yourself that. This is all about 2020.