Are you white?
My parents told me and my brothers and sisters we are black so I identify as black, today anyway.Are you white?
10,000,000,000,000. Any more questions?The cost of incompetence in obamas White House,
The Democrat version has the money pursuing the man.This one hits way to close to home...
Donald Trump: 'Look at my African-American over here'My parents told me and my brothers and sisters we are black so I identify as black, today anyway.
If it's good enough for pocahontas it's good enough for me.
I don't do hyphens, counter productive and divisive.Donald Trump: 'Look at my African-American over here'
You are either an American or you ain't.I don't do hyphens, counter productive and divisive.
Those aren't "his" numbers. The tax payer is paying for those numbers through 3 rounds of QE by the Fed. In other words, he "didn't build that".Obama's Numbers for October 2016. Some good some not so good.
Since President Barack Obama first took office:
- The economy has added nearly 10.7 million jobs.
- Median household income has gone up $1,140, or 2 percent.
- The buying power of the average worker’s weekly paycheck is up 4.2 percent.
- Median sales prices of existing single-family homes are up 23 percent.
- The unemployment rate has dropped well below the historical norm; job openings are at a 15-year high.
- Corporate profits and stock prices have both soared to record highs.
- The number of people lacking health insurance has gone down by 16.5 million.
- The murder rate is down nearly 5 percent, despite an increase in 2015.
- The number of unauthorized immigrants estimated to be living in the U.S. is down, according to demographers.
- Wind and solar power have quadrupled; coal production has dropped 36 percent; carbon emissions have gone down 12 percent.
- However, the poverty rate is still 0.3 percentage points higher, and the number of Americans on food stamps is up nearly 36 percent.
- Federal debt has more than doubled, and annual federal deficits, after shrinking, are again on the rise.
- The home ownership rate has dropped to the lowest point in more than 50 years.
- Handgun production has more than doubled.
Yes, keep talking and pissing into the wind.The cost of incompetence in The White House.
The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), which represents corporate travel managers, found that business travel transactions in America declined by 3.4% over the course of one week following the president’s order. It reckons that a net $185m in business travel bookings was lost. If a 3.4% decline sounds small, consider the group’s assertion that a 1% drop in business travel over the course of a year correlates with a loss of 71,000 American jobs and close to $5bn in gross domestic product (although the extent to which waning business travel helps to cause economic woes, rather than just reflecting them, can be difficult to unpick).