
February 8, 2017

If only we were able to deport citizens, we could use Trump's new policy of excluding those who are "hostile" toward our country to get rid of Judge James Robart.

Judge Robart's veto of Trump's travel ban notwithstanding, there is not the slightest question but that the president, in his sole discretion, can choose to admit or exclude any foreigners he likes, based on "the interests of the United States.”

The Clinton administration used the executive branch's broad power over immigration to send a 6-year-old boy back to a communist dictatorship. The courts were completely powerless to stop him.

As explained by the federal appellate court that ruled on Elian Gonzalez's asylum application: "It is the duty of the Congress and of the executive branch to exercise political will," and "in no context is the executive branch entitled to more deference than in the context of foreign affairs," which includes immigration.

The court acknowledged that Elian might well be subjected to "re-education," "communist indoctrination" and "political manipulation." (Then again, so would enrolling him at Sidwell Friends.) It didn't matter! Sending little boys back to communist dictatorships was the policy of the Clinton administration.

The Obama administration's immigration policy was to ensure that millions of poverty-stricken foreigners would come here and help turn our country into a Mexican version of Pakistan.

When Arizona merely tried to enforce the federal immigration laws being ignored by the Obama administration, the entire media erupted in rage at this incursion into the majestic power of the president over immigration. They said it was like living in Nazi Germany!

The most reviled section of the act, melodramatically called the "Papers Please" law, was upheld by the Supreme Court. But the other parts, allowing state officials to enforce federal immigration laws, were ruled unconstitutional. A president's policy choice to ignore immigration laws supersedes a state's right to enforce them.
Oh goody. Sounds like democrats are on a roll. I love the template.
They just don't get it. Maybe their ratings need to fall another 10% again this coming season.

NFL warns Texas that its proposed ‘bathroom bill’ could jeopardize its chances to host future Super Bowls
he NFL, which just held the Super Bowl in Texas, is warning that a “bathroom bill” targeting transgender persons could jeopardize future major events in that state. League spokesman Brian McCarthy said Friday that “discriminatory” legislation would “certainly be a factor” in awarding Super Bowls.

The Texas proposal would require individuals to use bathrooms that correspond to the sex on their birth certificate. A similar law in North Carolina led the NCAA to pull college championship events from that state.

“The NFL embraces inclusiveness,” McCarthy said. “We want all fans to feel welcomed at our events, and NFL policies prohibit discrimination based on age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other improper standard.

“If a proposal that is discriminatory or inconsistent with our values were to become law there, that would certainly be a factor considered when thinking about awarding future events.”
I thought white privilege was a myth?

Before the 59th annual Grammy Awards on Sunday, the music industry murmured about what it might mean for Adele to once again sweep the top awards, leaving Beyoncé snubbed in the major categories and with her third loss for album of the year. Having long faced accusations that the Grammys overlook young, progressive black artists — the last black woman to win album of the year was Lauryn Hill in 1999 — the Recording Academy faced a potential backlash for going all-in on a white, traditionalist choice like Adele.

Indeed, it happened again.
So what do you suppose Jason Chaffetz and the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee will be investigating next? Benghazi? Flynn's treason? Busloads of protesters paid to disrupt his town hall meeting?
So what do you suppose Jason Chaffetz and the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee will be investigating next? Benghazi? Flynn's treason? Busloads of protesters paid to disrupt his town hall meeting?

Chaffetz and his committee are not accepting emails right now.