
I know just what you mean ghostdancer. I hate them too. Filthy, recidivistic Irish. The fill our prisons, our poorhouses, scratch a convict or a pauper and chances are you'll tickle the skin of an Irish Catholic. Putting them on a boat and and sending them home would end crime in this country. Wait...you said Mexican.
It's only funny (through out history) when it happens to someone else.
So you listened to the interview?
Watched it on TV, she babbles in circles, excuses, filibuster, never informs, never highlights, never enlightens . . . no one can speak for Trump, not even Trump. He contradicts himself in the same sentence, then tweets something else. "Fasten your seat belts it's gonna be a bumpy night (ride)!"
espola said:
Growing up in Vermont, we were all given the"official" story that Vermont had no native inhabitants in Colonial times because it was the dividing line between the Iriquois and Abenaki, and thus was just a battle and hunting ground. It has only been in the last few decades that the remaining descendants have been able to get state recognition; they are still working on Federal status to match the status they have over the line in Canada. My brother-in-law is part French-Canadian and part Abenaki. He has participated in protest hunts, in which Abenaki fish, hunt and gather food in the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge on the US-Canada border with the intent of getting arrested and having a day in court.

Good God, not another, "when I was growing up in Vermont" story.

He's sounding like the red headed girl in " American Pie " ...

" One time in band camp..... "
Watched it on TV, she babbles in circles, excuses, filibuster, never informs, never highlights, never enlightens . . . no one can speak for Trump, not even Trump. He contradicts himself in the same sentence, then tweets something else. "Fasten your seat belts it's gonna be a bumpy night (ride)!"
This picture always seems to fit their narrative.
Watched it on TV, she babbles in circles, excuses, filibuster, never informs, never highlights, never enlightens . . . no one can speak for Trump, not even Trump. He contradicts himself in the same sentence, then tweets something else. "Fasten your seat belts it's gonna be a bumpy night (ride)!"

Maddow never went for the jugular either because she wants access for the next 4 years.
Maddow never went for the jugular either because she wants access for the next 4 years.
Yes, she was playing nice. Maybe she can get her gal pal Greta to do a David Frost style interview with the man himself (now that she's a free agent). It would be fun to see Trump attempt a series of interviews as he constantly changes position and contradicts himself. He ain't as smart in that regard as Tricky Dick was.
Yes, she was playing nice. Maybe she can get her gal pal Greta to do a David Frost style interview with the man himself (now that she's a free agent). It would be fun to see Trump attempt a series of interviews as he constantly changes position and contradicts himself. He ain't as smart in that regard as Tricky Dick was.
Eli Maddow is no leftist equivalent of Qai Cheng Cain.
She's (he?) a left wing smirkasauraus on a hapless cable outlet.

You people are unbelievable.
This topic fits right in " Ponderable "......

Rhonda Rousey -vs- Amanda Nunes

Take your pick ......

I'm picking Rousey because of her ground game.....but I could get swamped if the Brazilian keeps the fight off the ground and lands punches on
Rousey....Nunes is one of the hardest hitting women in this class.

We will see after 9:00 pm....

ps: One of the stupidest hypothetical match ups was Mayweather -vs- Rousey...

A. No male fighter is going to fight a woman.
B. If it did happen, Mayweather would knock the shit out of her in 15 seconds.
This topic fits right in " Ponderable "......

Rhonda Rousey -vs- Amanda Nunes

Take your pick ......

I'm picking Rousey because of her ground game.....but I could get swamped if the Brazilian keeps the fight off the ground and lands punches on
Rousey....Nunes is one of the hardest hitting women in this class.

We will see after 9:00 pm....

ps: One of the stupidest hypothetical match ups was Mayweather -vs- Rousey...

A. No male fighter is going to fight a woman.
B. If it did happen, Mayweather would knock the shit out of her in 15 seconds.
You think she would last 15 seconds? You're giving her too much credit, she can't run that fast...
Eli Maddow is no leftist equivalent of Qai Cheng Cain.
She's (he?) a left wing smirkasauraus on a hapless cable outlet.

You people are unbelievable.
She is a Rhodes scholar, quick on her feet, she likes fishing and as evidenced by the fear and loathing generated from the right by just the mention of her name she is quite effective in targeting hypocrisy and deceit from the same.