Bruddah IZ
It has? Still trying to charge bankers APR?It has been clear for a long time.
It has? Still trying to charge bankers APR?It has been clear for a long time.
It has? Still trying to charge bankers APR?
Hanapaa!!It's clear who the joke is around here...
"The net operating loss deduction has been getting a lot of attention after it was revealed that Donald Trump took a $916 million loss on his 1995 income-tax return.
Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor who is one of Trump's advisors, said the move"shows what a genius he is."
If that's the case, America has a lot of tax geniuses.
"I see some people on both sides in politics portraying [net operating losses] as some kind of obscure genius tax strategy. In reality, it's an ordinary feature of the tax code that every tax professional knows about," said Alan Cole, an economist with the Center for Federal Tax Policy at the Tax Foundation.
To be sure, the size of Trump's write-off is huge. His net operating loss, known in tax circles as NOL, in 1995 was more than 9,000 times the average amount claimed that year.
"Put it this way: Trump's alleged loss of $916 million would be 1.9 percent of the entire NOL value of the entire country," Cole said."
"Bill Clinton cheats on his wife. Impeach him. Trump proudly brags about sexual assault (and has cheated on his wives). Elect him.
Hillary oversaw the department of state while 4 people died in an embassy attack. Put her in jail. 2 Republicans were in office while over 200 people died in embassy attacks. No problem.
Immigrants don't pay taxes. Round them up and kick them out. Trump doesn't pay taxes. He's a business genius.
Hillary's foundation only spent 87% of their donations helping people. She's a crook. Trumps foundation paid off his debts, bought sculptures of him, and made political donations to avoid investigations while using less than 5% of funds for charity (and he got shut down by NY State). So savvy... Put him in the white house.
Trump made 4 billion dollars in 40 years, when an index fund started at the same time with the same "small loans" he received would be worth $12 billion today... without a trail of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits and burned small business owners. He's a real business whiz.
Hillary took a loss of $700k. She's a criminal. Trump is the first candidate in the modern era not to release his tax returns, and took a billion dollar loss in 1 year. Genius.
Hillary takes responsibility for private email servers and apologizes. Not credible. Trump denies saying things (on the record) he actually said (on the record), he's just telling it like it is.
Your arguments are thin. Your ignorance of reality is shocking. Your double-standards are offensive, and your willingness to blindly support him and recycle the rhetoric is absurd. Your opinion is not fact. Your memes are not news articles. And your hypocrisy is not a platform."
"Bill Clinton cheats on his wife. Impeach him. Trump proudly brags about sexual assault (and has cheated on his wives). Elect him.
Hillary oversaw the department of state while 4 people died in an embassy attack. Put her in jail. 2 Republicans were in office while over 200 people died in embassy attacks. No problem.
Immigrants don't pay taxes. Round them up and kick them out. Trump doesn't pay taxes. He's a business genius.
Hillary's foundation only spent 87% of their donations helping people. She's a crook. Trumps foundation paid off his debts, bought sculptures of him, and made political donations to avoid investigations while using less than 5% of funds for charity (and he got shut down by NY State). So savvy... Put him in the white house.
Trump made 4 billion dollars in 40 years, when an index fund started at the same time with the same "small loans" he received would be worth $12 billion today... without a trail of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits and burned small business owners. He's a real business whiz.
Hillary took a loss of $700k. She's a criminal. Trump is the first candidate in the modern era not to release his tax returns, and took a billion dollar loss in 1 year. Genius.
Hillary takes responsibility for private email servers and apologizes. Not credible. Trump denies saying things (on the record) he actually said (on the record), he's just telling it like it is.
Your arguments are thin. Your ignorance of reality is shocking. Your double-standards are offensive, and your willingness to blindly support him and recycle the rhetoric is absurd. Your opinion is not fact. Your memes are not news articles. And your hypocrisy is not a platform."
Chelsea UGGO Clinton made 900.000 working for the foundation in 2015.
Can you imagine paying this troll that kind of money? For what?
Yes, If you count her friends and family as people.
Numb Nuts.
Wise Up.
Can you imagine paying this troll that kind of money?
You're doin great kid, keep up the good work...
Jesus Christ the stupid is endless from you dude....
"Chelsea Clinton landed a lucrative job at NBC after graduating college, but her salary wasn't $900,000, and she wasn't working for her parents."
Sorry, my hands are already sore from exposing your bullshit....
Whatever that means Buddy.
You judge a woman's value based on her appearance?Ok, 600.000
Would she be making that if she wasn't a Clinton?
Look at her.
View attachment 236
Are you blind?
She doesn't need a mask for Halloween.
"Bill Clinton cheats on his wife while serving as the President of the United States and then lies to the American people about doing so. Impeach him. Trump proudly brags about sexual assault (and has cheated on his wives). Elect him.
Hillary oversaw the department of state while 4 people died in an embassy attack that Hillary blamed on a you tube video. She did not go to jail. 2 Republicans were in office while over 200 people died in embassy attacks. Huge problem for the families of the 200 that died.
Immigrants who have been here for decades do pay taxes. Trump does pay taxes but uses the tools that Congress gives to everyone to pay as little as possible. He's not a business genius. His tax attorney is.
So savvy... Put him in the white house. Again, his attorney's are savvy.
Trump made 4 billion dollars in 40 years, when an index fund started at the same time with the same "small loans" he received would be worth $12 billion today... without a trail of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits and burned small business owners. He's a real business whiz and a perfect fit for government that gives subsidies to people
Hillary took a loss of $700k. She's a criminal. Trump is the first candidate in the modern era not to release his tax returns, and took a billion dollar loss in 1 year. Genius.
Hillary takes responsibility for private email servers and apologizes. Not credible. Trump denies saying things (on the record) he actually said (on the record), he's just telling it like it is.
Your arguments are thin. Your ignorance of reality is shocking. Your double-standards are offensive, and your willingness to blindly support him and recycle the rhetoric is absurd. Your opinion is not fact. Your memes are not news articles. And your hypocrisy is not a platform."
"Hillary takes responsibility...." LMAO!!"Bill Clinton cheats on his wife. Impeach him. Trump proudly brags about sexual assault (and has cheated on his wives). Elect him.
Hillary oversaw the department of state while 4 people died in an embassy attack. Put her in jail. 2 Republicans were in office while over 200 people died in embassy attacks. No problem.
Immigrants don't pay taxes. Round them up and kick them out. Trump doesn't pay taxes. He's a business genius.
Hillary's foundation only spent 87% of their donations helping people. She's a crook. Trumps foundation paid off his debts, bought sculptures of him, and made political donations to avoid investigations while using less than 5% of funds for charity (and he got shut down by NY State). So savvy... Put him in the white house.
Trump made 4 billion dollars in 40 years, when an index fund started at the same time with the same "small loans" he received would be worth $12 billion today... without a trail of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits and burned small business owners. He's a real business whiz.
Hillary took a loss of $700k. She's a criminal. Trump is the first candidate in the modern era not to release his tax returns, and took a billion dollar loss in 1 year. Genius.
Hillary takes responsibility for private email servers and apologizes. Not credible. Trump denies saying things (on the record) he actually said (on the record), he's just telling it like it is.
Your arguments are thin. Your ignorance of reality is shocking. Your double-standards are offensive, and your willingness to blindly support him and recycle the rhetoric is absurd. Your opinion is not fact. Your memes are not news articles. And your hypocrisy is not a platform."
Sounds about right. You like snopes, I like you tube. It's easy exposing your omissions....hypocrite"Bill Clinton cheats on his wife while he was the President of the United States and then lies about it. Impeach him.
You judge a woman's value based on her appearance?
How Trumpish of you.