
October 27, 2019
The Developing Dystopia of Dumbed-down America
By Anthony J. DeBlasi

A song called “Lost My Marbles” by Pixie Lower & Friends (British, I believe, current around 1987), was a hint of the condition of the mainstream, approaching the turn of the century. It was a cute number with the line “Too much confusion in my brain” and begged out from making sense out of anything. A propos of that sentiment, a young man at that time told me that he didn’t like to think. Of the shocks I’ve had in life, this new one flew off the chart. Was choosing to think now something like choosing a flavor of ice cream?

It set me thinking. A scenario of the future spun in my head . . .

The 21st Century will make confusion a thing of the past. Hey, what are think tanks and the Internet for? Why sweat it when all the ideas and opinions you need are ready-made and delivered to your TV, computer, tablet or phone “for about a dollar a day” (a refrain in commercials, years ago)?

“Thinking syndrome” (TS) is what this disorder would be called, a vestigial malfunction of the brain still prevalent in some lines of evolution. While there are mitigating drugs for TS, none overcomes entirely an inherent resistance of the thinking tendency to act up in some individuals, causing confusion, indecision, bad decision, and sometimes violence, and worse, crime. But that will change when a non-invasive procedure permanently alters certain synaptic centers of the brain with a tiny implanted interactive chip that will cause rogue paths of thought to cancel out and be redirected to specified centers of cognition and confidence.

The TS correction initiative would follow studies funded by already established humanitarian organizations and funneled to a “virtue agency” – call it Center for Optimizing Perception (COP) – referring to perception as a function of what people say “yes” to and what they say “no” to. Software using cutting-edge technology would be used and made the property of the state. A “dooms day” deadline for completion would be set.

The implanted chip(s) would make the brain follow politically correct patterns of yes-no, the system would be monitored and administered by COP. The implant procedure would be covered by mandated medical insurance. Those already politically realigned would be pressed to undergo the TS-CHIP (Thinking Syndrome and Chip Implant) procedure as well in order to guard against regression. This would all be preparation for the New Golden Age (NGA). Required legislation and funding would start flowing after the defeat of Terror.

By the third decade of the 21st Century, freedom from TS would be required for all the best jobs, up to and including the presidency. It would by then be mandatory for everyone to be TS-CHIPed, as millennial goals became demonstrable realities, such as an end to violence and crime.

It will not be thought (always messy) and knowledge (never complete) driving the New Golden Age but programmed feeling and action. By 2060, perhaps sooner, the jumble of interlocking fallacies, previously known as knowledge, creating confusion and indecision in most crania, will have been eliminated and the New Golden Age would make 20th Century futurist projections seem like pre-school doodling.

The question of “who will be in control” would answer itself since with everyone TS-CHIPed, order would be automatic – which also answers the question of what happens to “individuality” and the role of “differences” in society, for what doesn’t exist can’t be missed.

The foregoing scenario played in my head sixteen years ago as fiction, spun out of visible trends creeping into America since about 1970. Missing from the plot was the need for someone or some thing to be and remain in control – a project for “Artificial Intelligence”?

It was not difficult to see the connection between the dumbing down in public schools in the previous century and the growing cultural dissonance in the mainstream as youngsters came of age. I stopped wondering long ago about the hand in this of starry-eyed futurists, Marx-infected political activists, and opportunists happy with lumping technology and culture together and calling it “progress.” I and many others had been raising red flags, hoping that Americans regardless of I.Q. would not fall for the nonsense of undefined “change” pushed by “progressives” touting science as authority for their fraudulent mission to “transform America.”

But technology morphed into technocracy and the monster created by technocratic elites has gotten up and started to walk. Pardon the allusion to Frankenstein and mad-scientist literature but, honestly, if many more leaders with good sense had mustered the courage to stand up to these morally numb, anti-human, anti-America activists and helped mount an aggressive counter-campaign, would the march toward an Orwellian dystopia have been allowed to advance and gain momentum? I don’t think so

Unresolved what-ifs and lost opportunities are now beside the point. Thankfully we have a national executive with the guts to redirect the spirit, energies and resources of Americans toward a saner, more productive life for all of us.

My respect for technologists who work to enrich the quality of life for everyone is without bounds. (I was in their ranks at one time). But I must leave to the politically short-sighted among them, particularly those involved in “Artificial Intelligence” (AI), some questions they may have ignored or wandered from:

Assuming the possibility, how can the radical alteration of a human being by another human being result in a net benefit to any human being? The assumption that there is some superiority (elitism?) or greater intelligence in the one altering the one being altered is negated by the fact that men and women of high social rank and I.Q. have generated misery and death for many, and garnered well-deserved contempt. Bungling and accidents aside, there is good reason to suspect a lack of wisdom or a streak of evil in such faux leaders.

What good is any intelligence, real or artificial, that reduces the intrinsic value of human beings and considers only their utility? Is there an “artificial wisdom” that can replace real wisdom?

In spite of the signs in our “post-truth era” of faux caring, faux humanitarianism, and false alarms that point to a severe lack of interest in being real human beings anymore – as though people have been drugged and made ready to submit like zombies to the commands of a hidden master – there is reason to be hopeful. We need to be grateful for even the confused among us who maintain a good measure of humanity in their hearts and a modicum of wisdom in their brains.

And thanks to the truthful words and courageous actions of countless fearless souls, truth is beginning to have an invigorating upswing. It is plainer to more people than ever before that traitors of America, of what is human, and what is just can only succeed in their mission of destruction if and when they seize control of our government and turn our country over to the New World Order they still think people should live in, as Homo sapiens morphs to Homo machina.

Our children, grand-kids, great-grand-kids, and children of dysfunctional families or no family must be allowed to be the wonderful human beings they really are, grow up free of ideological chains, and live creative, productive lives, not be treated as parts of a state-owned machine. Technology that really benefits people is welcome. Technology used to control people, regardless of motive.
Just another common liberal racist whore.
Michelle Obama castigates whites for 'running from us'
By Thomas Lifson

Speaking at an event in Chicago called the "Obama Foundation Summit" (were any heads of state present?), Michelle Obama let slip her resentment of white people. The grudge goes back to her childhood, and she does not seem to see much progress in the behavior she attributes to Caucasian-Americans. Fox News reports what the New York Times doesn't:
White Americans are "still running" elsewhere when minorities and immigrants move into their communities, Michelle Obama observed Tuesday. (snip)
In a sit-down interview with journalist Isabel Wilkerson, in which Obama was accompanied by her brother, Craig Robinson, an executive with the NBA's New York Knicks, Obama described when she first became conscious of what's been called "white flight."
We were doing everything we were supposed to do — and better," Obama said of her family, recalling when they got a new address on Chicago's South Side. "But when we moved in, white families moved out.
"I want to remind white folks that y'all were running from us," she continued, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. "And you're still running."
This is remarkably un-self-aware, considering that the Obamas currently reside in Kalorama and Martha's Vineyard. How many blacks live near their two mansions?
"I can't make people not afraid of black people," she said, according to The Hill. "I don't know what's going on. I can't explain what's happening in your head."
Maybe what's going on in the heads of white people is the same as what was going on in Jesse Jackson's head when he said:
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps ... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
It would be wonderful if black crime rates were similar to those of whites and Asians, but they aren't. That is why many minorities flee from ghettos as soon as they are financially able — a group that includes Barack and Michelle Obama.
Mrs. Obama is stoking racial resentment with her remarks, an emotion that the Democrats use as part of their electoral strategy to drive black turnout.
At least her statement castigating whites is consistent with her oft-expressed position that she has "zero interest" in running for president.
Here is video of her remarks on race:

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab.
Hat tip: Ed Lasky.

Speaking at an event in Chicago called the "Obama Foundation Summit" (were any heads of state present?), Michelle Obama let slip her resentment of white people. The grudge goes back to her childhood, and she does not seem to see much progress in the behavior she attributes to Caucasian-Americans. Fox News reports what the New York Times doesn't:
White Americans are "still running" elsewhere when minorities and immigrants move into their communities, Michelle Obama observed Tuesday. (snip)
In a sit-down interview with journalist Isabel Wilkerson, in which Obama was accompanied by her brother, Craig Robinson, an executive with the NBA's New York Knicks, Obama described when she first became conscious of what's been called "white flight."
We were doing everything we were supposed to do — and better," Obama said of her family, recalling when they got a new address on Chicago's South Side. "But when we moved in, white families moved out.
"I want to remind white folks that y'all were running from us," she continued, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. "And you're still running."

This is remarkably un-self-aware, considering that the Obamas currently reside in Kalorama and Martha's Vineyard. How many blacks live near their two mansions?
"I can't make people not afraid of black people," she said, according to The Hill. "I don't know what's going on. I can't explain what's happening in your head."
Maybe what's going on in the heads of white people is the same as what was going on in Jesse Jackson's head when he said:
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps ... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
It would be wonderful if black crime rates were similar to those of whites and Asians, but they aren't. That is why many minorities flee from ghettos as soon as they are financially able — a group that includes Barack and Michelle Obama.
Mrs. Obama is stoking racial resentment with her remarks, an emotion that the Democrats use as part of their electoral strategy to drive black turnout.
At least her statement castigating whites is consistent with her oft-expressed position that she has "zero interest" in running for president.
Here is video of her remarks on race:
Yes, let’s let more fat, stupid illegals in not Ca, no wonder messy, Husker, fries, E and 5nos love this horribly run state.
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November 1, 2019
Shocking literacy and math test numbers from Democrat-run California
By Tom Trinko

The annual California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) online test results from 2018 show that California is failing all students, but that the damage is greatest for minorities and boys.
There are two primary parts of the test. One covers literacy, and one covers math.
% meeting standards in 2018
All 8th graders
All 11th graders
The first thing to note is that California public schools are failing all Californians. Sixty-three percent of 8th-graders and 69% of 11th-graders aren't proficient in math, and 51% and 44% aren't proficient in literacy.
That's horrible. Yet Democrats are concentrating on making sure that kids know about gender fluidity and get graphic instructions about bizarre sex acts rather than ensuring that students can read, write, and do arithmetic.
Since we're talking about a Democrat-run state, blacks are even worse off. Whenever there is a disparity in outcome between whites and blacks, or Hispanics, Democrats tell us it has to be due to racism. If we apply the Democrats' own reasoning, the Democrats running California are clearly racist, since blacks do much worse than whites in both literacy and math. Whites are nearly twice as likely as blacks to be proficient in both math and literacy.
Given the unending claims by the Democrats about how much they love Hispanics, the fact that whites are significantly more likely to be proficient in both math and literacy than Hispanics also proves, using Democrat rules, that the California government is racist.
Clearly, Democrats don't really care about blacks and Hispanics, since if they did, they'd be doing something to close this achievement gap. Perhaps like their predecessors who founded the KKK, modern Democrats just think the low test scores are due to blacks not being as smart as whites.
It's time to point out how Democrats are letting down minorities so that Californians will elect Republicans who know that blacks are just as smart as whites and, if given good, safe schools, blacks will be educated to their full potential.
But even if we forget about the racism, the fact that over half of Californian kids aren't getting a decent education is reason enough to throw the Democrat bums, who are running the state for their own benefit and not for the children, out on the street.
You can read more of Tom's rants at his blog, Conversations about the obvious, and feel free to follow him on Twitter.

The annual California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) online test results from 2018 show that California is failing all students, but that the damage is greatest for minorities and boys.
There are two primary parts of the test. One covers literacy, and one covers math.
% meeting standards in 2018
All 8th graders
All 11th graders
The first thing to note is that California public schools are failing all Californians. Sixty-three percent of 8th-graders and 69% of 11th-graders aren't proficient in math, and 51% and 44% aren't proficient in literacy.
That's horrible. Yet Democrats are concentrating on making sure that kids know about gender fluidity and get graphic instructions about bizarre sex acts rather than ensuring that students can read, write, and do arithmetic.
Since we're talking about a Democrat-run state, blacks are even worse off. Whenever there is a disparity in outcome between whites and blacks, or Hispanics, Democrats tell us it has to be due to racism. If we apply the Democrats' own reasoning, the Democrats running California are clearly racist, since blacks do much worse than whites in both literacy and math. Whites are nearly twice as likely as blacks to be proficient in both math and literacy.
Given the unending claims by the Democrats about how much they love Hispanics, the fact that whites are significantly more likely to be proficient in both math and literacy than Hispanics also proves, using Democrat rules, that the California government is racist.
Clearly, Democrats don't really care about blacks and Hispanics, since if they did, they'd be doing something to close this achievement gap. Perhaps like their predecessors who founded the KKK, modern Democrats just think the low test scores are due to blacks not being as smart as whites.
It's time to point out how Democrats are letting down minorities so that Californians will elect Republicans who know that blacks are just as smart as whites and, if given good, safe schools, blacks will be educated to their full potential.
But even if we forget about the racism, the fact that over half of Californian kids aren't getting a decent education is reason enough to throw the Democrat bums, who are running the state for their own benefit and not for the children, out on the street.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...rom_democratrun_california.html#ixzz641Uvyqtx
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San Francisco Voters Elect Radical District Attorney, Son of Cop-Killing Terrorists
Bronson Stocking | Nov 10, 2019 3:00 PM

San Francisco Voters Elect Radical District Attorney, Son of Cop-Killing Terrorists

Source: Twitter/Screen Shot
On Saturday, San Francisco voters elected the son of two former Weather Underground murderers to serve as their District Attorney. The voters deserve all the hell that is about to break loose.

Progressive candidate Chesa Boudin wants to free criminals but prosecute police and ICE agents for doing their jobs. It's no surprise Boudin hates cops so much. His parents did, too. Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert were terrorists in the Weather Underground who murdered two police officers and a security guard during a 1981 robbery of a Brinks armored security car outside New York City.
There should be a law that children of terrorists who share their parents' worldview are barred from holding public office, especially the role of the chief law enforcement officer. Boudin's dad is still in prison so he can't kill any more cops, but his mother is out. Naturally, she is an assistant professor at Columbia University.
After his parents killed the cops, Boudin was sent to live with two other terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Dohrn declaredwar on the United States and was on the FBI's Most Wanted list. Ayers bombed the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol building, and the New York City Police Department before he and Dohrn became fugitives and went into hiding. The pair eventually came out of hiding and settled in as university professors.
As district attorney, Boudin plans to decriminalize crime and close down jails. He believes the criminal justice system is racist, and he plans to cut back on the time criminals serve under parole supervision, which he thinks is also racist. Boudin also wants to stop prosecuting gang members to the full extent of the law because he thinks that's racist, too. He thinks everything is racist.

Boudin plans to hand out U-Visas to immigrants like candy. U-Visas were originally meant for immigrants who could aid in the prosecution of crimes, but now they are rampantly misused and Boudin vows to misuse them even more. Boudin thinks every illegal alien is the victim of a crime committed by ICE and President Trump, so every immigrant will get a Visa. Boudin also wants to advocate on behalf of anyone in the United States facing deportation, including aliens who murdered cops like his parents did.
Boudin was endorsed by socialist Bernie Sanders, which somehow makes him seem less radical. But he isn't.
Just when you think it isn't possible, San Francisco gets a whole lot crazier.


Fact Check: No, It's Not Against the Law to Out a Whistleblower
Matt Vespa | Nov 10, 2019 10:30 AM
Fact Check: No, It's Not Against the Law to Out a Whistleblower

Source: AP Photo/Susan Walsh
Oh, today is a great day. It’s always a good day to slam CNN and its trash coverage of this White House. Without fail, CNN's wrong. It claimed some donor gave then-candidate Donald Trump and his inner circle a key code to the trove of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta that were released by Wikileaks before they were public. Wrong. The files had already been released by the site. CNN was wrong about how Trump fed koi fish while with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It’s almost impossible to screw up reporting of a photo opportunity—but CNN decided to do just that. The network also lied that Trump didn’t take any questions on his initial trip to China, a first since George H.W. Bush. Except that it wasn’t; Obama did the same thing. Oh, and what about the story that Trump knew about his son’s meeting with the Russians at Trump Tower in the summer of 2016? Sources said he knew. Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen said so. Who was the super-secret source on that fake story? Oh, it was none other than Lanny Davis, Michael Cohen’s attorney, who then backtracked everything.

San Francisco Voters Elect Radical District Attorney, Son of Cop-Killing Terrorists
Bronson Stocking | Nov 10, 2019 3:00 PM

San Francisco Voters Elect Radical District Attorney, Son of Cop-Killing Terrorists

Source: Twitter/Screen Shot
On Saturday, San Francisco voters elected the son of two former Weather Underground murderers to serve as their District Attorney. The voters deserve all the hell that is about to break loose.

Progressive candidate Chesa Boudin wants to free criminals but prosecute police and ICE agents for doing their jobs. It's no surprise Boudin hates cops so much. His parents did, too. Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert were terrorists in the Weather Underground who murdered two police officers and a security guard during a 1981 robbery of a Brinks armored security car outside New York City.
There should be a law that children of terrorists who share their parents' worldview are barred from holding public office, especially the role of the chief law enforcement officer. Boudin's dad is still in prison so he can't kill any more cops, but his mother is out. Naturally, she is an assistant professor at Columbia University.
After his parents killed the cops, Boudin was sent to live with two other terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Dohrn declaredwar on the United States and was on the FBI's Most Wanted list. Ayers bombed the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol building, and the New York City Police Department before he and Dohrn became fugitives and went into hiding. The pair eventually came out of hiding and settled in as university professors.
As district attorney, Boudin plans to decriminalize crime and close down jails. He believes the criminal justice system is racist, and he plans to cut back on the time criminals serve under parole supervision, which he thinks is also racist. Boudin also wants to stop prosecuting gang members to the full extent of the law because he thinks that's racist, too. He thinks everything is racist.

Boudin plans to hand out U-Visas to immigrants like candy. U-Visas were originally meant for immigrants who could aid in the prosecution of crimes, but now they are rampantly misused and Boudin vows to misuse them even more. Boudin thinks every illegal alien is the victim of a crime committed by ICE and President Trump, so every immigrant will get a Visa. Boudin also wants to advocate on behalf of anyone in the United States facing deportation, including aliens who murdered cops like his parents did.
Boudin was endorsed by socialist Bernie Sanders, which somehow makes him seem less radical. But he isn't.
Just when you think it isn't possible, San Francisco gets a whole lot crazier.
I'm embarrassed that SF is part of this great country...
(b) The Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation
(b) The Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation
The IG you idiot. Anyone else can...
The Snowflakes are out early...

Harvard's student government voted Sunday to support an illegal immigration advocacy group's petition to condemn the daily campus newspaper after it reached out to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for comment in response to a protest in September.

The Crimson has come under attack for covering Act on a Dream's "Abolish ICE" protest in September. The Undergraduate Council, the university's student government, argued that The Crimson's actions caused "fear and feelings of unsafety" among students on campus. The Council made a statement of solidarity that falls short of a full boycott of the newspaper. The Crimson was rebuked in a statement that passed 15-13-4.

Incredible: A European Court Rules on the Mandate that Products Made in Israel Must Bear Warning Labels
Posted at 9:27 pm on November 12, 2019 by Alex Parker


Just recently, I wrote that — despite some assertions by AOC and others — largely, Nazis are not a thing.
But then here we are.
As reported by The Washington Free Beacon, leaders in Congress are warning the European Union over warning labels.
Warning labels…
At issue are labels warning that certain products on the market were made in contested areas of Israel.
Remember those yellow stars European Jews had to wear in the 40’s?
Not the same, but not as different as difference should be.
Congress is concerned that the notices could rub against anti-boycott laws and, therefore, hurt U.S. trade with Europe.
In 2017, a winery challenged the label requirement placed on businesses in “settlements” and “Israeli colonies,” and the European Court of Justice was expected to issue a ruling in the case Tuesday.

The European Union’s court advocate general already asserted that European law requires the labels.
Anticipating the decision, Democratic Maryland Sen. Bob Menendez implored European Union Ambassador to the U.S. Stavros Lambrinidis to consider the potential havoc it could wreak, given American trade regulations.
Additionally, Republican Sen. Rob Portman and Democratic Sen. Benjamin Cardin delivered a letter to U.S. trade representative Robert Lighthizer pointing out that Israel is being held to a different standard than any other country.

According to a plea sent to Gordon Sondland — U.S. ambassador to the European Union — by Democratic Rep. Juan Vargas, a ruling in favor of the labels would lead to discrimination against the tiny beleaguered nation.
Lead to??
As per TWFB, trade laws being triggered could result in nearly $1.3 trillion damage to commerce between America and the E.U.
And in case you’re wondering about the policy stipulations, here’s an explanation from Sen. Menendez’s letter:
“The regulation in question is problematic for a number of reasons, including because it targets specific businesses based on the ethnicity and national origin of their owners.”
And more:

“I am deeply concerned that if the CJEU decision empowers the EU to require or allow its Member States to label Israeli and Palestinian products in the manner proposed, it will allow and encourage the politicization of EU rules of origin labeling with potential adverse unintended consequences, including by opening the door to near-unlimited use of ‘ethical considerations’ in food labeling which would enable Member State protectionism and nationalism, and be unhelpful for the EU single market. Additionally, it could facilitate Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) tactics and de facto boycotts and discrimination against Israel, and its products, and potentially lead to discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, religion and nationality, contrary to existing EU policies and laws against BDS campaigns, Israel boycotts and discrimination.”
Update: The court ruled.

From The Guardian:
The European Union’s top court has ruled that EU countries must identify products made in Israeli settlements on their labels, in a decision welcomed by rights groups but likely to spark anger in Israel.
The European court of justice said: “Foodstuffs originating in the territories occupied by the state of Israel must bear the indication of their territory of origin.”
Where are we?

Lawsuit: California’s corporate-board gender quota is unconstitutional
ED MORRISSEY Posted at 2:01 pm on November 15, 2019
Can a state mandate gender representation of corporate boards — or do such quotas amount to an unconstitutional form of discrimination? California passed a law last year requiring all corporations with executive offices in the state to include at least one woman by the end of this year, and to have a representative number on boards by 2021. Thus far, they are the only state to mandate representation, which means they will be the first state to have to defend the quota in court:

Under California’s law, OSI would be required to have at least one woman on its board by the end of 2019, and at least three by the end of 2021. OSI did not immediately return emails and phone calls requesting comment about the lawsuit.
But the lawsuit filed Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California claims that the state’s mandate is unconstitutional and in violation of the equal protection clause because it discriminates on the basis of sex, and that requiring Meland to consider gender when voting to add members to OSI’s board forces him to discriminate. …

State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (D), who sponsored the legislation, defended the law’s constitutionality Thursday.
“I certainly respect the constitutional right of anyone to challenge the law in our courts,” she said in a statement to The Post. “However, I strongly believe that this measure meets constitutional requirements and will be held up in court. Significant research has shown the importance of adding women to boards to improve profitability and add to the economic well-being of the state, as well the interest of the state to advance gender equality.”

It’s not the first challenge to the state’s corporate-board quota mandate. Judicial Watch filed suit in August, but took a different strategy in crafting the complaint. Rather than represent a shareholder, Judicial Watch filed on behalf of three taxpayers objecting to the use of public funds to enforce this new law:
November 17, 2019
Another thought about that fellow 'Che' on the T-shirt
By Silvio Canto, Jr.

Over time, I've read as much as I can about the myth or the legend of Che Guevara, the face you see at so many leftist rallies. I found this one rather interesting: "Che's Secret Diary" by Cynthia Grenier from 2002.

It turns out that Che had a bit of a "diversity" problem, as we would call that today:
Mike Tyson's mighty rib cage boasts a sizeable tattoo of the late Ernesto "Che" Guevara, a testament to Guevara's status as the marker of subversive cool. It's a safe bet that Tyson hasn't read The African Dream, Guevara's recently released "diaries of the revolutionary war in the Congo." Indeed, Che's comments on his African brothers might just send Iron Mike to the nearest laser specialist.
Yes, Tyson and many others would be surprised about how the real Che felt about blacks everywhere.

Of course, this is not a shock to those of us who knew the real Che. I don't mean to break your leftist heart, but Che was not at all like the figure we've seen idolized in movies or rallies.
Yes, it's true that a younger Che took a motorcycle trip through the continent. So what? At the end of the day, Che was a killer, no matter how much leftist movie-makers want to present him as some romantic figure out to change the world!
Furthermore, Che's ideas failed miserably in Cuba. His revolution was a disaster in Bolivia, in large part because he could not communicate with the natives he came to save.

The myth of Che succeeds only in the minds of the corrupt Left and the many idiots who wear his T-shirts thinking he is Jim Morrison of The Doors or some guy who played drums for a 1960s hippie rock band.
Che met justice, and that's the good news of the day.
The extent of Trump's foreign economic experience is that he owned the Miss Universe pageant. China continues to replace the USA as the world economic leader. Well done Don the Con - the great deal maker what a fucking joke!

China’s COSCO Invests in Largest Greek Port With Expansion Plans for Biggest European Port

The extent of Trump's foreign economic experience is that he owned the Miss Universe pageant. China continues to replace the USA as the world economic leader. Well done Don the Con - the great deal maker what a fucking joke!

China’s COSCO Invests in Largest Greek Port With Expansion Plans for Biggest European Port

Nobody who investigates thinks he's a good deal-maker. He was a bankrupt cartoon until the TV show.
His whole running for President shtick was an attempt to boost ratings for his failing TV show. He didn't even plan to win the R nomination.
So the stupid people, I mean the ones who are stupid about everything and believe in the WWE and such, not the stupid ones on here like Lion or Joe, who are probably reasonably intelligent about things other than politics (although not Multi or nono, who are just stupid, period) bought the TV huckster thing, the same way they made Vince McMahon and Tammy Fay Bakker famous, and voted for Trump. Same exact thing. He recognized it early on.