
Question: Given that being female is a choice on a spectrum, and further considering that students can now designate their own personal pronouns at some colleges, why couldn’t a male (biological) college student like “John Doe” decide to identify as a female, designate “she” and “her” as her personal pronouns and then apply for the $5,000 scholarship above designated for female students? And if not that specific engineering scholarship, here’s a website with links to about 200 different college scholarships exclusively for “women.”

The Cherry Industry Administrative Board is given the power by Congress and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to control the prices of tart cherries (though not sweet cherries). It does this by restricting the amount of cherries that are processed and sold to consumers. When there’s a good crop that might drive prices down – a “surplus" in the eyes of the government — the amount of picked cherries that companies can process is limited by a numeric cap. One result is that millions of pounds of cherries rot on the ground. Another outcome is that consumers pay higher prices than they would have had the market been allowed to freely work.

One viral cherry photo was posted by Michigan cherry farmer Marc Santucci of Santucci Farms in Traverse City. He captioned the photo: “These cherries are beautiful! But, we have to dump 14 percent of our tart cherry crop on the ground to rot. Why? So we can allow the import of 200 million pounds of cherries from overseas! It just doesn't seem right.”

The Cherry Board says that the regulatory regime was set up “to assist the industry in dealing with the erratic production cycle of red tart cherries and to improve returns to the growers and processors of red tart cherries in the United States.”

Poppycock Wez.

The rates can be changed if necessary, just as they are changed now.
The rich will continue to pay far more than the middle class.
Do the math..
10% of $55,000. is $5,500.00
10% of 1,000,000.00 is $100,000.00
No need for tax attorney's to figure all the "write offs"....

Todays tax headline....
The rich have the ability to pay for 'tax lawyers'.
Eighteen years of no taxes and apparently it's legal.
Todays tax headline....
The rich have the ability to pay for 'tax lawyers'.
Eighteen years of no taxes and apparently it's legal.

No idea why you quoted an earlier post. Trump has almost $1B in tax loss carry forwards, no need for a tax attorney for that, it's simple and common. Great businessman he is....with a billion in losses to show for his efforts.
No idea why you quoted an earlier post. Trump has almost $1B in tax loss carry forwards, no need for a tax attorney for that, it's simple and common. Great businessman he is....with a billion in losses to show for his efforts.

Maybe his efforts, but other people's money.
No idea why you quoted an earlier post. Trump has almost $1B in tax loss carry forwards, no need for a tax attorney for that, it's simple and common. Great businessman he is....with a billion in losses to show for his efforts.

No idea why...what a surprise that is. With a flat tax, tax attorneys are no longer needed.
Anyone who has ever been in business, knows you make the bottom line as small as possible by writing off as much is possible.
Great business man indeed. His tax attorneys shows a one time loss and then pays no taxes for 18 years?
Apparently all legal. Flat tax would eliminate the write offs, the attorneys, & the rich would pay their fair share.
As far as not needing a tax attorney, "it's simple"...pffft.
Simple until you have to show up before the IRS & 'plain yourself Lucy.
No, he guaranteed loans that went bad, which is why he is able to personally use the tax losses. Him losing other people's money, is a different topic and more proof he is a con man and charlatan.
What loans did he "guarantee"? Are you saying that he provided the loan insurance for a borrower and then when that borrower defaulted he was unable to honor the loan insurance contract with the lenders? My guess is you're mixing up terms.
No, he guaranteed loans that went bad, which is why he is able to personally use the tax losses. Him losing other people's money, is a different topic and more proof he is a con man and charlatan.
Funny, when banks lend out 10 dollars for every dollar you and I deposit nobody considers that the actions of a con man. Fractional banking is the biggest con job going on in the U.S., making trump look like a pauper.
No idea why...what a surprise that is. With a flat tax, tax attorneys are no longer needed.
Anyone who has ever been in business, knows you make the bottom line as small as possible by writing off as much is possible.
Great business man indeed. His tax attorneys shows a one time loss and then pays no taxes for 18 years?
Apparently all legal. Flat tax would eliminate the write offs, the attorneys, & the rich would pay their fair share.
As far as not needing a tax attorney, "it's simple"...pffft.
Simple until you have to show up before the IRS & 'plain yourself Lucy.

What kind of "flat tax" are you referring to?
What kind of "flat tax" are you referring to?
The kind one would pay on income.
I'm sure the smart folks like you could come up with a flat corporate tax also.
Simplify the system.
The system now works for those who can afford to pay for offices full of attorneys.
No idea why...what a surprise that is. With a flat tax, tax attorneys are no longer needed.
Anyone who has ever been in business, knows you make the bottom line as small as possible by writing off as much is possible.
Great business man indeed. His tax attorneys shows a one time loss and then pays no taxes for 18 years?
Apparently all legal. Flat tax would eliminate the write offs, the attorneys, & the rich would pay their fair share.
As far as not needing a tax attorney, "it's simple"...pffft.
Simple until you have to show up before the IRS & 'plain yourself Lucy.

Flat tax would eliminate the ability to deduct losses from income? So I make an investment in my business, it doesn't workout and I now have to eat that cost and pay taxes on income? Well, there goes any incentive to spend any money.

The rich already pay their fair share Lion. A Flat tax punishes the middle class.
Flat tax would eliminate the ability to deduct losses from income? So I make an investment in my business, it doesn't workout and I now have to eat that cost and pay taxes on income? Well, there goes any incentive to spend any money.

The rich already pay their fair share Lion. A Flat tax punishes the middle class.